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Unknown's tales
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Okay so I may be a bit of a bastard for this but I can't help it. I've finally gotten sick of people calling internet tech support (me) when there problem is they can't find the on button on their computer. So instead of taking 15 minutes with them for these clueless people to find the button, I've been directing them to call microsoft. Microsoft will help them of course... but microsoft will also charge them about $30 a call. Seriously if they don't know how to work their computer why do they buy one or pay for the internet?
Unknown "Zach" Growling - 17 years, 1 month, 24 days ago
Why is it so hard to understand that press any key actually refers to any key? I spent 10 minutes recently trying to convince a woman that any key really is any key. She would not belive that pressing enter would do the same thing as escape or F or an arrow key.
Unknown "Zach" Growling - 17 years, 2 months, 2 days ago
I have a customer call from a pay phone right outside his house. Guy has all the relevent info So I decide to trouble shoot. It can only be two things so I figure why not. I give him instructions to cycle the modem. He runs inside to do it and a min later I hear footsteps coming back to the phone. It's not him. It's some lady. She tells me she needs to use the phone so he's out of luck. Then she hangs up. I almost couldn't stop laughing. I can picture the bastard coming out and picking a fight with that lady. He sounded like the type to make a big deal out of nothing.
Unknown "Zach" Growling - 17 years, 2 months, 2 days ago
It's your average password reset call. Easy as it gets. Great for your handle time. Unless they are a christian and the completely random password that comes up has 666 in it. I mean it is an eight digit number. You wouldn't think it would be that big of a deal. No I get bitched out for 15 min. She blames me even though I have told her repeatedly that the password is randomly generated. Finally she calms down and makes me reset the password while she says the Our Father over and over. Then after I give her the new password she says jesus loves you. I wanted to say satan loves you and will see you soon you hypocrite.
Unknown "Zach" Growling - 17 years, 2 months, 2 days ago
I answered the phone and before I even get to the name of the ISP I work for I'm being screamed at. From the screaming I manage to find out the @$$hole on the line is an aol customer. When he pauses for a breath I say, "I'm not"...And he goes off again before I can say I'm not with AOL. *screaming* "Don't tell me you're not responsible! You work for the idiots who run that company. You are as responsible as they are." It went on like that for twenty min. When I finally got a word in and informed him I work for a different ISP. He asked why I didn't tell him sooner.
Unknown "Zach" Growling - 17 years, 2 months, 2 days ago
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Thanks, I like the swords.
Unknown "Thor" Cheeky - 16 years, 7 months, 13 days ago
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