It is mate and you have only gone and just nicked my pet again, did you not read my last comment and what I would do! I will buy her back and give you 1 last chance to keep your pets as I have currently 114000 points so could price you out of your pets range without making much of a dent in my points!!
- 17 years, 3 months, 5 days ago
oi i hope this is friendly banter n i jus bought my pets back
Oi Terry, looks like you have just lost most of your pets, this is what happens to naughty scouse theifs who think they can steal other peoples pets, stick to hubcaps you want your pets back you will have to buy them back. Try and steal from me again and I will price your pets out of the market...lmao
- 17 years, 3 months, 6 days ago