Hey hun :)) glad you have got rid of the germs mate, but i think i have accquired them .. bleurghh no beers for me, quiet one ahead argghh lol Hows u besides that, is really good to hear your feeling better :)
Nic Ipson
"Knickerbocker #9"Content
- 16 years, 5 months, 12 days ago
I bet your not enjoying that weather! But I still bet its warmer and drier than our typical pommy summer here eh lol My week has been a little quiet and routine but all good :)) Ah see I dont actually advise buying me lol i escape cos im a loyal pet lol So what music are we talking and all for the guitar! Nothing beats a great riff now does it. Very jealous of the scenery behind you in the pic there Brad although we have the same here you have way more lol :))