- 16 years, 6 months, 21 days ago
Man I wish i could have talked to ya longer and i wish we could have discussed what to do for our story... (i still think we should go back. Sooooo manythinogs happened!!!!! {did i tell you about my weird dream??} ) I'll call ya this sunday?? the bleach filler is.... getting pretty good...
umm... i went to the painted desert today and to this petrified forest... it was weird but really cool!! I saw petroglyphs!! (old native amarican drawings.) I got lots of pictures!!
umm... so how was your date??? the umm... putt putt was it? *muffled laughter*
Oh! did you know that Chad's grandfather is the third espada??!!! I was so mad when i found that out! (it's not even in the manga yet. [i read a spoiler...heh heh )