Dedicate this song to my current owner - ♥ Caroline Tsui ♥ XOXO Happy Valentines' Day XOXO
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>۞<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Ridz Matsudaira"rikzie ♥"Content
- 17 years, 1 month, 20 days ago
'Don't be afraid. Dolphins don't bite.' >< Treat me well - pet me, feed me (with fishes and squids) and I'll give you a free water ride on my back.
My name's 'Delphís the Dolphin'. A long-beaked common dolphin, I'm regarded as one of Earth's most intelligent animals. I'm capable of making a broad range of sounds using nasal airsacs and the echolocation clicks that we, dolphins, produced are amongst the loudest sounds made by animals in the sea.
I just love to leap above the water surface and at time performing acrobatic figures - but again it's not a free act. You have to feed me for every stunt I have to perform. ^^ Another hobby of mine is playing with the seaweeds or play-fighting with my other dolphins mates.
We definitely enjoy riding the waves , 'surf' the coastal swells and the bow waves of boats. Its fun! You can try with me if you want to.
(That's me breaching in the bow wave of a boat. ^^V )
Ridz Matsudaira"rikzie ♥"Content
- 17 years, 3 months, 3 days ago
ahh... nothing beats the relaxation of swimming after all those Christmas partying~
Ridz Matsudaira"rikzie ♥"Content
- 17 years, 3 months, 5 days ago
WOW! Thanks for the Christmas gifts guys! Y'all are the greatest! ^^V
Ridz Matsudaira"rikzie ♥"Content
- 17 years, 3 months, 6 days ago
Doing my last-minute Christmas shopping online! (via Amazon - haha)
If you don't have a Christmas tree yet, please make sure you purchase one. Hurry! It's never too late. I'll try to give out Christmas presents to all the people that have touched my life one way or the other.
Merry Christmas!
Ridz Matsudaira"rikzie ♥"Content
- 17 years, 3 months, 7 days ago
Unlike other stores that gives further discount to attract you only to double its original price later to earn back what it'd lost - We here at 'The 100-Point* Shop' are dedicated to provide you the service that guarantees every item here costs at only a-100 point* throughout the year - solely independent from the fluctuating market.
Currently the top 2 bestselling items are - 1) a warning: Dont Make Me Hurt You 2) a warning: Stay Back, I Bite!
So take your time to browse around my shop and have a good day!