'Don't be afraid. Dolphins don't bite.' >< Treat me well - pet me, feed me (with fishes and squids) and I'll give you a free water ride on my back.
My name's 'Delphís the Dolphin'. A long-beaked common dolphin, I'm regarded as one of Earth's most intelligent animals. I'm capable of making a broad range of sounds using nasal airsacs and the echolocation clicks that we, dolphins, produced are amongst the loudest sounds made by animals in the sea.
I just love to leap above the water surface and at time performing acrobatic figures - but again it's not a free act. You have to feed me for every stunt I have to perform. ^^ Another hobby of mine is playing with the seaweeds or play-fighting with my other dolphins mates.
We definitely enjoy riding the waves , 'surf' the coastal swells and the bow waves of boats. Its fun! You can try with me if you want to.
(That's me breaching in the bow wave of a boat. ^^V )
Ridz Matsudaira "rikzie ♥" Content
- 17 years ago