Once a upon a time there was this village gal named Navie. She met Ass, a hunter and after spending a few weeks together, she thought it could be happily ever after. Even though Ass only loves to tell his hunting stories and all he knew is to spend time in the woods with the rest of his animals.
Then time comes for Ass to go hunting, and weeks after weeks of waiting, still no sign of Ass's return.
Navie waited and one day, she received news that Ass needed her to build a new place and bring him a new hunting dog from a town faraway.
She did as told and never question a thing. She felt since Ass is away that is the little things she can do to help him to be more comfortable in life.
During the visit to the faraway town,she found out that Ass was hiding the fact that he has a lady friend from his hunting group. And no one would help her get the dog. So she went away from the town, sad but still want to complete her promise to Ass.
Ass came back to the village finally, got his stuff from Navie and she never got to see him again.
She wondered why and what went wrong? She did as told and spent all the little savings she has.
Days passed and she fell very sick and need to see a doctor. She could not work and so she thought she have to get some help from Ass.
Ass refused to help her and she travel again to the faraway town and told the hunting group what happened and finally, Ass gave her some money.
Help came too late and Navie passed away.
She could not understand the complicated human heart but she has no regrets to having done the stupid acts.
She said "If given the chance again, she wished that she has choosen to live her life happily with whatever she had then to believe that someone would come along and bring joy to her life"
No one is responsible for your own happiness and no one will give you joy. Being together is hardwork and human nature tends to move towards pleasure than hardwork unless it is for their own benefit. Navie's benefit to Ass was a shortlived one.
Love yourself enough to treasure every minute of your life, you never know when is the next minute you will leave Mother Earth...
Unknown "Orange's Glory" Hurt
- 16 years, 3 months, 5 days ago