People please don't take this stupid game soo serious ... I'm on this thing to play with my friends .... steal their pets send them crap ... I am not looking to "hook up" or date anyone through this game. I will probably pet u if ur pic is cute but thats it.. and I'm perfectly ok without an owner thnx =) my area is a drama free zone thnx
Unknown "chiquitinilla"
- 16 years, 11 months, 10 days ago
ok i'm really ticked off, I went to south padre island for spring break to this promo gig , sounds great right getting paid to talk to people and have a free vacation .. no wrong ... the crew was sooo unorganized, some of the girls where drama queens and just downright selfish but to be fair most of the girls were really nice and worse of all we were suppose to work as shot girls at their event , they didnt prepare our shot tray until 1:20 , I had 15 mins and they still haven't paid us for our work and i don't know if they will b/c they lost soo much money!!! which they can bitch all they want to but they did everything soo last min I wasn't surprised , and chaos the club it was being hosted at was such a ghetto shit hole, it was disgusting to see what happens in south padre during spring break ... just a bunch of baby girls doing stupid shit and perverts
Unknown "chiquitinilla"
- 16 years, 11 months, 26 days ago
I own people , people do not and will not own me sooo dont try buying me b/c i will buy myself back so there =P im no ones biatch
Unknown "chiquitinilla"
- 17 years, 3 days ago
I own people , people do not and will not own me sooo dont try buying me b/c i will buy myself back so there =P im no ones biatch
Unknown "chiquitinilla"
- 17 years, 3 days ago
I own people , people do not and will not own me sooo dont try buying me b/c i will buy myself back so there =P im no ones biatch
Unknown "chiquitinilla"
- 17 years, 3 days ago