I'm weird but not. I'm in your head but on the surface I blend in. like water i am gentle by nature but when under pressure i am a force to be reckoned with. I'm all around even now, over your shoulder. No the other one. BAM!! gone before you could look. Um i'm pretty weird I heart hello kitty (total guilty pleasure and i want the hello kitty AK-47 ) i love the rocky horror picture show and i love doing the time warp (another guilty pleasure). as you can probably tell, I LOVE to have fun, like i slap fun on the table and make it my bitch. Life should be about happiness, and i will force it to be so.
About you:
someone i would enjoy getting to know. i like the quiet type, but i also enjoy "hanging" with the loud type. I want someone who can sync with my beat. I want someone who knows the difference between when to be spontaneous and when not to be. This may be shallow, but I prefer something to look at. must tolerate weirdnessishifiveafiedingly-ya...
You are Budha. You are a very peaceful person, you love all who love you. You are a cheerful personality, and you have a great sense of humor. Congratulations!! You are Budha!!
I can totally see me getting eaten by a tiger!! XD Peter Reiser"Petey the pet"Peppy
- 16 years, 3 days ago
I can't stop laughing XDDD Peter Reiser"Petey the pet"Peppy
- 16 years, 10 months ago
26 Tee Hee I would love to use a kid as a weapon!! ;) Peter Reiser"Petey the pet"Peppy
- 16 years, 10 months, 29 days ago
who was your greatest inspiration in life? Me it was a porn star (and I'm not afraid to admit it either). He inspired me because even though he was gay, he was able to lead a happy life. It seemed like nothing really mattered to him, that no what happens there's always fun to be had. this way of thinking is what finally convinced me to come out. granted yes i do know prnos are fake and all of this could be untrue but I like to have faith, not sorrow. so anyways like i said earlier, who was your greatest inspiration in life? just curious and it's something to talk about. Peter Reiser"Petey the pet"Peppy
- 16 years, 11 months, 28 days ago
today i tried to read Norwegian, but it's a lot harder than it looks (good thing i learned a bit of German). i also thought about my future, and I came to this conclusion, "gee life sucks". but I have decided to make the best of a complex situation. why should i let it suck? why can't I force life to be better? So I'm gonna give that a try. I hope i Don't crash and burn. Peter Reiser"Petey the pet"Peppy
- 17 years, 15 days ago
Hi, Greetings from Gift, My name is miss Gift, l saw your profile today and after going through it then l made up my mind to contact you as my friend. so l want you to write back to me through my email address (giftmaxwell92@yahoo.com) so that l will give you my picture and for you to know more about me. l hope to see your mail soon. lt is from me, miss Gift.