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Lil' Princess Tanya Rusnell
Lil' Princess Tanya Rusnell owns this human at 79270 points.

"Kittyboy NFS x"

Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds (lead): A Raving Pride
Herds: ULTIMATE FUN LOVERS, The Herd, Razorblade Kisses, Wild Hearts, The Lovers Of Gir!!
Unknown's tales
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I need thumbs please thumb me when you can and as much as you can thank you and I love you all!!!!
Unknown "Kittyboy NFS x" Ecstatic - 16 years, 11 months, 27 days ago
Come one Come all to Grimmkitty's Shop for DethKats It holds all your dying needs!!!!
Unknown "Kittyboy NFS x" Ecstatic - 16 years, 12 months, 3 days ago
Todays thoughts

I walked outside and enjoyed the warmth of the sun's heat
The ground was still covered in snow yet it was nice and warm
I walked through the forest today just to collect my thoughts and I don't feel as bad as I have lately but something seems to be just slightly tugging at my heart. I thought maybe it was the disappointment I may jhave caused with a friend or maybe the fact is that even though the days grow long and I am alone walking this path maybe I deserve to be on this path in life alone forever but maybe not.....

I consider things in my life at being the turning point of becoming 27 years I wonder if my life has been nothing but a huge waste where am I in life where am I going what do I need to do or what should I do will I ever find love will I ever become financially stable will I live to see tomorrow. I know life is just one big experience but am I living my life they way I should be or am I wasting this time right now. I know everyone thinks about these things from time to time. I just hope that I can figure out whats wrong with me in time that mayeb I can change my life around and do something more with it... before my life runs out

So I ask of you if you have any thoughts or ideas or even just an opinion please tell me for I am truly lost and in pain and I want to pull away from it even though there is pain in my life noone will be able to fix.... lIke my mind and heart but at least my soul is broken yet I can still be 1/3 of A person and at least not a person at all....

Sorry if I sound depressing but my thoughts and mind and heart are away to waste and I just need to express myself in a way that doesnt burt or bother anyone cause I do not wish to do soanywqay ttyl
Unknown "Kittyboy NFS x" Ecstatic - 17 years, 4 days ago
Todays tale is a dark tale, it is about a lonely cat that once was filled with love but is only driven by the darkness in whichc overcame him. He once saw light and stayed in it as long as he could but now that light is gone and his heart grows cold and black. He has been overwhelmed by the darkness again and this time he cannot escape it.

His heart has died and the darkness is the only thing that guides him. He once was a sweet kitty but now he is nothin more then a Grimmcat followed by death, pain and hatred. He lost the light and now he lives forever in the shadows, only being nothin more then a memory to all.

He spoke to a friend and this is what he said.... "I am no longer the loveable and happy kitty I once was now that the light has gone in my life I embrace the darkness. I embrace the hate. My mind body and soul will no longer believe in the love and affection that others give for it is dead to me. I am Dark I am Black I am METAL!!!!!! I want everything to be black and metal everything in my life will be metal. Everything I feel will forever be Darkness. This was caused by the light I once had but now it left me in the dark once again but this time I am not going to be a scared lil kitty I will embrace the pain I will embrace the hate I will embrace the torture that my mind, body and spirit have come to know. I only have one thing left to say my head hurts and I think im losing my mind and if thats the way the world wants me to be then I have no choice but to embrace it for if I fight it it will tear me apart and I will no longer live in this world, so all I can do is embrace the black and become one with it once again......" Poor little kitty what once was loved is now gone and only pain and suffering is all he knows......
Unknown "Kittyboy NFS x" Ecstatic - 17 years, 11 days ago
Today is the day I thought would be grand
Today is the day I thought my life would stand
Today is the day the darkness disappears
Today is the day my lonley hart can cheer
Today is the day I thought would be the beginning of change
Today is the day I had my target in range
Today is the day when love is coming near
Today is the day when all sad thoughts would disappear
Today is the day my love shows me her best
Today is the day I got ready and all dressed

Today is the day that did not happen
Today is the day when my life was shattered
Today is the day when a lost love was thought to be near
Today is the day all my drak thoughts have driven me into fear
Today is the day the light left my eyes
Today is the day when the heavens turned and sighed
Today is the day when true darkness returns to me
Today is the day when my heart is no longer free
Today is the day that the love in me died
Today is the day that turned into a lie

Today is the day when I thought our hearts would meet
Today is the day when my heart stopped its beat
Today is the day when my love for life ends
Today is the day when my mind seems to bend
Today is the day when love is not around
Today is the day when you look carefully you can see my heart stomped into the ground

Happy Fuck You Valentines Day
Unknown "Kittyboy NFS x" Ecstatic - 17 years, 1 month, 3 days ago
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Lil' Princess Tanya Rusnell
Hope u can make it to the Dethklock concert!!
DethKlok Gift You have been given DethKlok Gift.
Crafted by Unknown
Lil' Princess Tanya Rusnell "Jrods" Frisky - 15 years, 6 months, 23 days ago
thanks for shopping Grimm!!
You have been given trip to the snow.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "Hot mess" Adored - 16 years, 5 months, 8 days ago
just dropped in to thumb yer pages... got yer tales for ya...
Unknown "kitty" Loyal - 16 years, 9 months, 22 days ago
we are so crowd surfing at the concert!!
You have been given Crowd Surfing @ an MSI concert.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "crazykitty" Inspired - 16 years, 10 months, 9 days ago
smoothy boochies
(hope we don't find any of these guys at
You have been given Give me a Kiss.
Crafted by Ryan Coy
Unknown "crazykitty" Inspired - 16 years, 10 months, 9 days ago
he's all your's baby have fun!!lol
You have been given gay pride angel.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "crazykitty" Inspired - 16 years, 10 months, 9 days ago
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Unknown's shop

Morbid,Twisted Items for those whom are Dark and Twisted at heart!

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My Dark Side
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300 pts
My Dark Side
Bought by 7 people
kitten Bits
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200 pts
kitten Bits
Bought by 8 people
DethKlok Gift
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200 pts
DethKlok Gift
Bought by 2 people
Your head Asplodes
1 use

200 pts
Your head Asplodes
Bought by 4 people
Good and Evil?
1 use

200 pts
Good and Evil?
Bought by 2 people
To Keep love in its place
1 use

200 pts
To Keep love in its place
Bought by 6 people
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200 pts
Bought by 5 people
I'm Radiating LOVVVVEE
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200 pts
I'm Radiating LOVVVVEE
Bought by 7 people
If you love me, you'd Bleed me
1 use

300 pts
If you love me, you'd Bleed me
Bought by 5 people
Spaz Juice
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200 pts
Spaz Juice
Bought by 6 people
I just wanna be friends
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200 pts
I just wanna be friends
Bought by 7 people
Zim and Gir happy Halloween
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200 pts
Zim and Gir happy Halloween
Bought by 42 people
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200 pts
Bought by 3 people
Help Pweeze
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200 pts
Help Pweeze
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A Name Tag just For You!
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250 pts
A Name Tag just For You!
Bought by 13 people
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