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Unknown owns this human at 650 points.


Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Unknown's tales
I created a cheap clan on an app here, lol I'm going to add my friends to it soon, but for now, I must stay there alone for their own good.... kidding...

At college class, I cried... the teacher says lots of things that happen to him but in a funny way, i cant help but get terrible paveras.... lol and then I say the class is boring, kill me plz...

Anyways, I was doing stalkative work and such, as always, in mcdonalds there was a caco dude, lol, he was mine XD...

Anyways, me bored.... oh I think two guys kissed, it was unnecesary, I didnt see it and the guy started spitting lol, poor him....he's mine btw XD

.........I got nothing else to write.... oh yeah... Kenny shine! lol
Unknown "Odango" Purring - 17 years, 14 days ago
Time flew by so fast, and a year has already passed. Amanda was 17 now, and for her birthday present, they took her to buy something on Hot Topic. Even being so much time that it happened, Amanda still remembered her cat Joel, which she had given to the owner. She decided to have a talk with him. “Hey, long time!” Said Amanda to the owner, “How are you? How is Joel doing?” At this the owner shook hands with her and answered he wasn’t feeling very good, Joel had fallen sick two days ago. Amanda felt very worried, even though Joel wasn’t her cat. So she decided to visit Joel as soon as she could, she got the address to his new home and went to visit two days later. His new owner was a guy called Matthew. As soon as Amanda got inside, she realized what was the problem. With so many people around the house, it was pretty bad for him, also, he had eaten human food for the last week, and that is not healthy. Amanda went home for the time, she didn’t get to actually see Joel because the owners didn’t let her into the room where he was, which worried her more, but she still was thinking of things she could do to help. She tried to make her dad, Elvin, change his mind and let her take Joel now that he was grown and trained to use the litter box, but he made up allergies and dirt as an excuse not to have him. Amanda tried with her mom, Ivonne, then, but she said that a grown cat is already too accustomed to their house to change so suddenly, even less a sick cat. Taking Joel didn’t work out, so she decided to talk to the veterinarian Neishla, if she could bribe Matthew, into giving her Joel, and to rescue him from the house. Neishla did agree, and so she went with Amanda to Matthew’s house and talk with him. When they got there, Matthew wasn’t there, but there was his mom, who kindly agreed to give the cat to Neishla, since Joel was still very childish, and he left hairs on the furniture. Amanda and Neishla where very happy and took Joel, he felt happy too I bet! In a few days, Joel was all sane and well and Amanda went to visit him more frequently. But nothing lasts forever. Amanda’s dad, Elvin, had to move to another place, it was required for him in his job, and he had to take his family with him. This meant a sad goodbye again, Neishla promised that Joel would never suffer again and she would take car of him very much, but that still didn’t make Amanda happy, she was going to miss everyone and her Black cat Joel. There was nothing to be done, and so, they moved, being it the end of this story of a sick Black Cat and his friend. THE END!

This one wasn't very good I think, it's because this time I wrote it myself, but whatever... the very same Joel asked me to do a second part so, I did.... hope U like it Joel...
Unknown "Odango" Purring - 17 years, 1 month ago
Dear Secret Guy I Like XD:

I woke up this morning and my cheeks

blushed at the thought of you. You are not only

smart, but very hot.

Every time I see you my forehead

becomes warn and my heart begins to

beat wildly.

I can't wait till next week.

The shy girl who likes you and you will never understand...

I was bored.... XD Come on! Give me thumbs up! I know you like them :]....
Unknown "Odango" Purring - 17 years, 1 month, 4 days ago
Dear Everybodyl,

Last week I helped solve a mystery and had a real drunk time. When it was lunchtime, I found out my chicken was missing.

I told Edna and she said the whole class could help me find my chicken. Ivonne thought she found it, but it turned out to be a small pencil (She's retarded). Elvin thought he found it, but it was someone's chicken shaped toy. Finally, I found it under the desk. It fell out when I opened my lunchbox.

Next time, I'm going to put my chicken in a closed box so I won't lose it.

Your friend(Probably not...yet!),

(Gotten from another random site ^^)
Unknown "Odango" Purring - 17 years, 1 month, 4 days ago
A Tale About My Black cat Joel...

Once upon a time there was a young girl named Amanda. Amanda was 16 years old and lived in Guayama, Puerto Rico. While walking home from school one day, a Black Cat jumped out from behind a bush and tackled Amanda to the ground. But just when she was about to let out a scream for help, Amanda realized that the Black Cat was only licking her face, not trying to bite it off. At that moment, Amanda decided to keep the Black Cat as a pet. And on the way home she decided to name her pet Black Cat ''Joel.'' When Amanda and her new pet finally got home, guess who was standing on the front porch? That's right, it was Amanda's mother, Ivonne. And boy was she surprised to see a Black Cat following Amanda into the yard! ''What in world is that?'' shouted Ivonne. ''It's a Black Cat,'' answered Amanda. ''Duh!, I can see that, Amanda, but what on earth is it doing here?'' said Ivonne. ''It's my new pet!'' answered Amanda. ''Oh you think so, do you?'' remarked Ivonne. ''I wouldn't get your hopes up. You know how your father hates Black Cats, he's supersticious! But, well, I suppose you can keep him until your father comes home.'' And with that Amanda grabbed Joel by the scruff of the neck and led her new pet into the house--even though she knew her father was probably going to disapprove. Once in the house, Amanda and Joel played and played, that is until Amanda's favorite television show, ''Mad tv,'' started. At that point Amanda forgot all about Joel having an unsupervised run of the house. That is until half way through ''Mad tv,'' when Amanda was brought back to reality when she heard her father shout, ''CASCARA!!!! Amanda! Get your ....butt! in the bathroom...NOW!!'' With that Amanda rushed into the bathroom to see what all the fuss was about. When she entered the dinning room, there stood her father, Elvin, pointing toward the table. ''Will someone please explain that?'' asked her father. Then, as Amanda followed her father's finger to where it was pointing, she instantly knew what her father was so upset about. There, smack dab in the middle of the table, was the biggest pile of Cat doo-doo she had ever seen! ''I don't EVEN want to know how that got there,'' said Elvin. ''But you had better get it cleaned up now! And you had better get rid of whatever it is that could have done such a thing!'' Well, knowing her father as well as she did, Amanda knew there was no sense even asking her father if she could keep Joel for a pet. So without hesitation, Amanda set out to find where Joel was hiding. After a few minutes of looking, Amanda discovered Joel crouched beneath the table of her room, that Amanda did her drawing on. ''Come on, Joel, it's time to find you a new home. And hey, don't look at me that way, I'm not the one who did the dirty deed on the table!'' scolded Amanda. ''Thanks to you I'll never get to have my own pet Cat!! And with that Amanda led Joel out of the house and down to the local Hot topic. They had a pet section and Amanda knew the owner would find Joel a good home. So after saying good-bye to Joel, and thanking the owner of Hot topic, Amanda walked backed home and attempted to drown her sorrows by slamming down a half dozen root beers. But Amanda's pity party came to an abrupt end when her father reminded her about the mess she had neglected to clean up. And low and behold, midway through the clean-up, Amanda suddenly became thankful that someone else was going to have to do it from now on. The End.

XD I got most of that from an random site around.... Hope you liked it...
Unknown "Odango" Purring - 17 years, 1 month, 4 days ago

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Skeeeee! ... I wasting items lol
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Unknown "Odango" Purring - 16 years, 11 months, 9 days ago
You have been given just passing by.
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Unknown "Odango" Purring - 16 years, 11 months, 9 days ago
You have been given PAC MAN.
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Unknown "Odango" Purring - 16 years, 11 months, 9 days ago

You have celebrated Easter with Human Pets and bunneh! .
Unknown "Odango" Purring - 16 years, 11 months, 18 days ago
This is dead lol.....
And here an item so I can keep you here for a few more minutes.......
You have been given an annoyance.
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Unknown "Odango" Purring - 16 years, 12 months, 3 days ago
Mark Baker
Help me! Cwazy wabbits have taken over my store!!!
Mark Baker "Hubby" Loving - 17 years, 14 days ago
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Unknown's shop

Ummmm buy whatever you like....

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