I've not been able to write a tale for the last few days.. I was grounded by dad for shitting on the living room rug. It wasn't really my fault.. mum cooked teas and I told them I didn't quite feel right afterwards.. So, now I'm able to come back to the computer to write a tale and I find I've been bought by some random stranger ..... how odd.... I feel like biting them as I've no idea who they are. I feel like I've been popped into a shipping crate and dropped off in Madagascar with a Giraffe, a stripy Horse and a big fat cow... There's a film in there somewhere, I'm sure of it....
Unknown "Unique" Abused
- 16 years, 11 months, 23 days ago
Well, the last few days have been kind of exciting. The snow has started to melt and we've seen some green stuff on the floor. Dad says it's called grass, but Little Sister & me both know that's only for smoking. Anyway, Mum & Dad had a huge row which ended up with Dad sulking in the living room and Mum in the kitchen cooking up some tasty steaks for Little Sister & me.. We love it when Mum's in a mood, she always cooks us a nice steak.
Unknown "Unique" Abused
- 17 years ago
Didn't do much yesterday, the sun was nice & bright, the light was blinding off the snow but we all had a good time anyway, rolling around getting all cold and wet. Little sis tried making a snowcat but she's never made one before so we had to help her. Mother looked in a mood again... The big cats from the other side of the mountain came by to see dad, he wasn't in a good mood either. They didn't stay long. Dad went back to watching the wool-ball on TV.
Unknown "Unique" Abused
- 17 years, 3 days ago
hmm.. well yesterday was a complete white-out.. boy did it snow.. so much for this global warming malarky, so we spent the day in the cave, watching Jeremy Kyle re-runs. Mother said that little sis hadn't got a cold, she was just being mardy. She did seem to be ok in the morning though. Another day bekons, the sun's nice & bright and I think we might be all going out .... ooo!
Unknown "Unique" Abused
- 17 years, 5 days ago
Well, what a day, wandering around the frozen wastes all day, occasionally stopping to look in the shop windows. What a ilfe I lead eh? My brothers and sisters were all running off playing in the snow, getting all wet & cold. I could see mother staring at them disapprovingly all afternoon. Little sis was shivering tonight, bless her, I think she's going to catch cold, mother said it served her right for getting so wet but I think she cares really. I wonder what we'll do tomorrow?
Unknown "Unique" Abused
- 17 years, 6 days ago