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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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Unknown owns this human at 383838 points.


Unknown, 35/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:11:57 PM
Join date:17 years, 1 month, 21 days ago
Location: Hong Kong

About me:
im a hip hop diva who likes clubbing alot,
favourite drink's vodka, rmb tht guys if u wanna buy me a drank, lol
nway, is now studying commerce n psychology in HK,
hopin to get in da field of business or law in da future =P
yet, im not gonna stay in HK like foreva, may go to USA or Canada to further my study,
im so longing for tht =P
wanna noe more abt me n c wt i've got? feel free to drop me a line dude*
ah yea, btw, i will only serve my owner ;)
n i need much love n attention,
so think twice if u wanna own me =P
BTW, come join my herd guys! all welcum*
About you:
wud like to meet cool ppl from all over the world =]
especially hot guys of cuz =P
n sometimes i like to make frds with pretty, hot and special gals, tho im not a lesbian...
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Straight
Herds (lead): Hip Hop Divas*, ♥Thumbz for Venus♥
Herds: Sex Kittens, VIP - Very Important Pets, PATRICK belongs to Miko, Hot guys and Naked Chicks, Dominant Divas..., - .:[Hot Rock Chicks]:. -, STOP THE WAR NOW!, .:[DIANE THUMB LUVIN]:., CUPIDS HANGOUT

70 pts

"bak chi jai"
50 pts
Unknown's tales
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Repost in your tales with your
answers... You can ONLY answer
Yes or No! You are NOT ALLOWED
to explain ANYTHING unless
someone messages or comments
you and asks about your answer
+ Add at least one question at
the end, make it interesting!

1. Kissed any one of your HP friends? Yes
2. Been arrested? No
3. Kissed someone you didn't like? Yes
4. Slept in until 5 PM? Yes
5. Fallen asleep at work/school? Yes
6. Held a snake? No
7. Ran a red light? Yes
8. Been suspended from school? No
9. Totaled your car/motorbike in an accident? No
10. Been fired from a job? No
11. Sang karaoke? Yes
12. Done something you told yourself you wouldn’t? Yes
13. Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? No
14. Caught a snowflake on your tongue? No
15. Kissed in the rain? Yes
16. kissed in a pool? Yes
17. Sang in the shower? Yes
18. Sat on a rooftop? No
19. Danced on a roof top? No
20. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes? No
21. Broken a bone? No
22. Shaved your head? No
23. Blacked out from drinking? No
24. Played a prank on someone? Yes
25. Felt like killing someone? Yes
26. Made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry? Yes
27. Had Mexican jumping beans for pets? No
28. Been in a band? Yes
29. Shot a gun? No
30. Tripped on mushrooms? No
31. Donated Blood? No
32. Eaten alligator meat? No
33. Eaten cheesecake? Yes
34. Still love someone you shouldn't? Yes
35. Think about the future? Yes
36. Believe in love? Yes
37. Sleep on a certain side of the bed? No
38. Been in a fight? Yes
39. Need to have a night lamp when sleeping alone? Yes
Unknown "CuteBaby" Seductive - 16 years, 10 months, 13 days ago
♥shop items updated♥
many new lovely items selected by me
m trying hard to earn more points n make my store beta
so pls buy more to show venus some love=P
i hope my items can get on the market popular

Unknown "CuteBaby" Seductive - 16 years, 10 months, 18 days ago
♥i luv raving rabbids!! lovely!♥

Unknown "CuteBaby" Seductive - 16 years, 11 months, 4 days ago
♥some last sch days♥

some of u might probably notice tht i dont get online here as often as b4
thts becuz i still got a few sch days
and i will somehow disappear for a while later
cuz i needa study for my public exam
i think i will get on here everyday morning for roughly an hour from now on
and other time, i will shut down my laptop n go study =[
Unknown "CuteBaby" Seductive - 17 years, 21 days ago
♥the hot rock chick n the hip hop chick♥

made this with blingee for my hot zombie Diane***
n i made a ganster pic of myself 2 =P
if my loving zombie didnt make me a new profile pic
with my figure so stand out from the background,
i cannot add new bg to my own pic,
cuz i will get all mixed up with the bg X﹏X
btw, i dun understand y i cant post the big version here directly...
♥so pls click on it for a larger view ♥
Unknown Unknown
Unknown "CuteBaby" Seductive - 17 years, 29 days ago
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Wayne Nauss
sorry u left, but am hoping you a great birthday
Wayne Nauss "1 Hot Ride" - 14 years, 11 months, 11 days ago
Flo Finocchiaro
love your shop!"
Flo Finocchiaro "♥MyAmIgA♥" Cheeky - 16 years, 1 month, 27 days ago
Collocare Maxime

You have been given a Wild Strawberry.
Crafted by Evon Yves
Collocare Maxime "My Wild Cat roar" Loving - 16 years, 4 months, 18 days ago
Alexander Graesser
random comment #109) *unhinged* You have been unhinged
Alexander Graesser "Flambeaux" gone! - 16 years, 5 months ago
BigBang Ben

"1% of Angel and 99% Devil", that's cool~

(Just to say hi)

You have been given You Rock.
Crafted by Whatever Ness
BigBang Ben "no wink no cute" Serene - 16 years, 5 months, 10 days ago

You have been given ♥ hot chocolates for u n me .
Crafted by Missy J
Unknown "Point Maker" Playful - 16 years, 6 months, 27 days ago
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Unknown's shop
✿Catty's wonderland✿

Create cool Profile Comments

♥Welcome to my store♥
♥its a 2-page store, so rmb to shop on page 2 as well =P xxx♥

See more items
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♥ Love donation to Venus ♥
1 use

2000 pts
♥ Love donation to Venus  ♥
Bought by 10 people
♥ tea 4 two ♥
1 use

140 pts
♥ tea 4 two ♥
Bought by 22 people
♥hey handsome♥
1 use

150 pts
♥hey handsome♥
Bought by 162 people
i miss u honey...
1 use

150 pts
i miss u honey...
Bought by 32 people
♥have a nice day♥
1 use

150 pts
♥have a nice day♥
Bought by 40 people
opps, just drop by to say hi*
1 use

130 pts
opps, just drop by to say hi*
Bought by 92 people
♥i like u cuz ur unique♥
1 use

149 pts
♥i like u cuz ur unique♥
Bought by 39 people
♥have a beautiful day♥
1 use

149 pts
♥have a beautiful day♥
Bought by 43 people
♥loadz of kisses♥
1 use

150 pts
♥loadz of kisses♥
Bought by 42 people
1 use

150 pts
Bought by 45 people
♥look into my soul♥
1 use

150 pts
♥look into my soul♥
Bought by 25 people
♥all yours♥
1 use

140 pts
♥all yours♥
Bought by 186 people
♥ur the one♥
1 use

149 pts
♥ur the one♥
Bought by 21 people
♥kiss me♥
1 use

150 pts
♥kiss me♥
Bought by 31 people
♥key to my heart♥
1 use

150 pts
♥key to my heart♥
Bought by 21 people
See more items
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