Lost island.
After so long the pain resides,
Still in my suffered soul,
To hold a moment in my mind,
A piece to make me whole,
Am I destined to be this way,
Forever an empty hand,
Only thoughts of you to guide my way,
Over every foriegn land,
Landscapes are always different,
Yet familiar are the skies,
Always different faces stare,
I only see your eyes,
Please take this pain I beg you,
The feeling of my loss,
For which ever hand I take as mine,
It's yours I bear, my cross,
I hoped this weight I carry,
be reduced by pastures new,
Nay all these places are the same,
The shore I need is you,
Come the heavens down, devour me,
Tear away my flesh and see,
Strip away all of my faculties,
Until here lies just me,
A naked man before you,
Broken down by travelling far,
An empty shell, a mirror cracked,
No heart, no soul, a scar,
A scar upon this place we call,
Our tender, fragile earth,
A darkness only in his eyes,
When once there shone some worth,
Is this the man I shall become,
Too weary to fight on,
A suffered heart, a lonely soul,
The will for life all gone,
I damn you, my emotions,
Leave me be, I heed you not,
I am not lost, I know my way,
Take sail for lands forgot,
When I arrive on shores of old,
kneel down in sand so soft,
All foriegn will they seem to me,
Until I'm swept aloft,
To face the sky I knew so well,
Embrace the fields so green,
All those cites travelled,
Compare the things I've seen,
Come guide me through your valleys,
Show me places that are new,
Release your winds upon me,
My island, that is you.
Unknown "Angel" Content
- 17 years, 1 month, 17 days ago