I am me, the one, the only Shorty B. Put on the earth to make you laugh, smile and make sure you work to YOUR fullest potential. I am a pretty well rounded person, What you see is what you get. When I'm not at school or working one of my many jobs, I love to hang out with my friends. I enjoy reading and playing chess. Mainly I go to the movies, the mall, or just partying but I love to dance, so when i have the money i try to hit the clubs here in town. I listen to all types of music from classical to country, rap to hard rock. I enjoy being around interesting people.
I'm geting antsy just thinking about it. It makes me weak. But i keep saying no. I'm not going to do it until I have someone steady again who cares about me. Which means YKW for the last time this weekend cuz i already promised torie. That place will make you stick your face in a beautifull womans pussy and do some STRANGE THANGS WITH IT! Its gotten so bad that the humming i do has turned from a hum to a purr to a all out growl. OMG Pleasure and being content is my goal. I want to run my fingers up someones chest and take them in my arms. I want to feel their body run the length of mine. Run your finger through my hair, pull it ever so slightly, just enough to bring me closer to you. God you feel so good to me. One hand and arm aroung my waist. The other hand in pulling my hair, tilting my head and neck to the left. capturing me in your oh so warm embrace. You bite down on my neck just the way I like it. I GASP! and say your name oh shit what are you doing to me. I'm breathing heavier and your arms hold me tighter. The heat from our bodies making me dizzy, i writhe against you trying to make sure every part of me is touching you. I feel us falling back onto the bed, it catches us as the rose petals flutter into the air. The candles flickering and casting shadows of us on the wall. You smell so good. You remove my blouse and bra. I try to cover myself but you slowly move up my stomach with your hands. Creeping slowly to my breast and taking my hands. You travel with them above my head completely exposing me. I feel open and vulnerable, like i have to hide. But you look at me and I know its going to be ok. I'm safe, warm and content. There is nothing to worry about. YOu start to kiss my neck, all the while holding my hands. My legs fall apart, i feel you pressing to me with my favorite obsession. Im not close enough to you. My hands are free now and the kisses are so sweet. I feel your warm back underneath your shirt. Clawing at you, your skin feels so good. I pull your shirt over your head. We seperate long enough so I can see your agile body. Beautiful, my nipple harden from the cold and the sight of you. We kiss deeply again, I take time to suck on your bottom lip, another favorite part of your body. I kiss you down your chin, your neck, biting, sucking leaving just enough evidence to mark what it mine. I get to the part of your body between your shoulder and neck, I clamp down and you go rigid from the pain and the pleasure. just the response I wanted. The animalistic sound that comes from your throat turns me on. You grind even harder into me. I want you so bad and
Conjured "Purple Pet"Delighted
- 16 years, 1 month, 23 days ago
1. My School 2. My Secret show 3. My cousin 4. My dancing obsession 5. The look alike to my current heart’s content 6. His official stuff 7. The song bird that supplies the soundtrack to my heart’s content 8. My heart’s content 9. BFF 10. My original fag 11. Partner in Christ 12. Dingle 13. T. Dot 14. Wet Wet 15. sister In Law 16. YKW pussy 17. Phone guy 18. Everything’s bigger in texas 19. YNQAD 20. Sweet Pea’s but my dream 21. Lil dean 22. Lip’s of an angel 23. Old School Narc 24. That nigga I live with 25. The ‘boyfriend’ 26. Mandingo 27. The ‘husband’ 28. Pussy monster 29. A fem’s dream 30. Dark chocolate 31. It’s me bitches 32. Castro’s princess that keeps me out of south America 33. The cunt 34. Wifey standing in my combat boots 35. In love with my baby daddy 36. Might still be cock blocking me from my hearts content 37. Shelley I got u 38. Smiling fag 39. Boney fag 40. Fag I would bone
Conjured "Purple Pet"Delighted
- 16 years, 3 months, 4 days ago
OK so this is to anyone who might give a uck (yes UCK, where the hell is the F) to read>;P
Well, let's see where to start? I have gone back to papa johns hell and im loving every minute of it LOFL. (there's the F, thats laugh out FUCKING loud, keep up, Im on a roll)!Can you taste the sarcasm? I dont have Microsoft Office 2007 so spell and grammar check are a thing of the past for me because the owner of the computer is TOO CHEAP to buy it. So my school work is lagging behind and I've got shit to do. I love my friends, my associates and almost everyone im my life but I HAVE 2 children. They are David and Nathan, they are mine and I BIRTHED THEM! I cant handle everyone elses problems I wish I could, I wish I had several me just to sit on the phone and answers peoples text and calls so that everyone is taken care of but I cant. Thank you for the people that called or texted on tuesday to see if my dumbass was alive. Shameka, Warren, Beidermann Morales and Parker my usual lunch time whores I LOVE YOU! They blew my little phone up and didnt say hello when I returned their call but WHERE THE FUCK R U? u werent in class, the cafe, and LO AND BEHOLD THE FUCKING DET. LMAO Thank you once again I love you! Ok so i get calls all day, can you do this, this person is doing that, my wife, husband, baby daddy or the person im trying to fuck is fucking up. I cant do anything about it; more or less hold your hand because trust and believe my life aint no damn better. My name might as well be Jazmmine Sullivan CUZ IM LIVING WITH ONE MAN AND IN LOVE WITH ANOTHER! Aint that some shit for your ass! Im not the one you want to listen to. I have female friends (straight mind you) that act my girl friend and say things like we use to spend all this time together and you dont call, or we dont see each other anymore. ARE YOU AVOIDING ME? No bitches I have an outside life. Once again I wish i could split myself up so everyone that needs me could have me when they wanted it. A shoulder, hug, ear, pat on the back, good job and yes the occasional pices of ass that some ask for. Cut me up an disperse me as needed and one day I will find time for myself, the LSAT, GRE, the test to get out my science classes and one day my TEN YEAR JOURNEY AT FSU WILL COME TO A FUCKING END! Oh wait let's not forget my debate tournaments, research proposal for federal grants, apply to grad school, loose weight for ots (cuz fuck ROTC) law school and find a fruitful job in my field. And maybe one day after that I will find time to kiss my kids good night and tuck them into bed only to wake up in the morning and have the joy and pleasure of getting them ready for school. Because they have the best hugs and kisses and they tell mommie youre beautiful and youre a princess. Even better would be to wake up with that special man that god has made just for me, that tells me youre beautiful and youre my queen. Maybe the one i mentioned b4 is not for me but damnit im going to give it my one last try to make it work and after spring break FUCK IT 2 TEARS IN A BUCKET!
I would write a disclaimer, like i normally do about if you think this is about you or if i hurt your feelings..... FUCK THAT! you know who the hell you are and if you aint there after i wrote this shit then you werent meant to be there so TALLY HO FUCKERS!
And the word of the day is FUCK, brought to you by the letters F and U.
Sincerely and with all the love i could muster,
SHELs Conjured "Purple Pet"Delighted
- 16 years, 5 months ago
Conjured "Purple Pet"Delighted
- 16 years, 7 months, 26 days ago
So before I post this, I just want to say F U Jennette! Dont post it people might take it wrong, egos might get bigger and people more conceited. I DONT CARE JENNY BOO! LOL the next time I write it's going up people be damned! So here it is, this is part of a series called MENDACITY
Tell me it isn’t true. Tell me that these last words we used to possibly mortally wound each other were lies in its self. My Him said that if I would have said those things to him he would never speak to me again. Say it ain’t so. Say that we are still friends. We agreed that we have said enough words to last a lifetime and maybe these have pushed us to our death. How can we fight like two people who don’t know each other when we’ve said things I believe only we know would hurt each other. Where is the respect that we once had or was that a lie too? Were we ever truly friends? When did you steal my breath away? When did I realize that it was gone to the point where I had to take it back? Maybe those words weren’t for you but me trying to get to myself before I lost control in this situation, friendship, relationship or moment in time where you stepped into my life.
I never said I didn’t need you; I’ve always needed you or for the most part someone like you lately. One who has raised my interests, given much needed attention, wonderful conversations and things to ponder. But I have to know, where did all the lies begin? Did they start the first night of me touching you? Did you formulate a plan or did I just happen to be there? All the kind words and gentleman like ways, were they a farce too. Every word that you have ever written or spoken to me, were all lies. The meals, hopes, dreams and fears were all detailed pieces to the game that we played with each other. Where did it all begin? Was the look on your face in your car the first time you really saw me, was that a lie? Tell me that when I touched you it didn’t feel good and you didn’t get hard for me. The feel, taste and smell of you were all a lie. The warmth and kindness, the nurturing way you took care of me, all wonderful lies. The hickies that I left that everyone saw were just figments of their imagination and please God tell me that your dick hitting the back of my throat was a lie too. Gifts of time, pleasure, food and words all laid down at the feet of golden gods and an insolent, youthful king. Wake me up from this drug induced dream of you holding me tightly through the night and whispering my name softly in my sleep. Oh how I hear you calling to me in the wee hours of the morning. “Feed me,” an insatiable blood lust that must be quenched. But I’m rambling now, no more dreams, for I am awake and fully aware of the mendacity dealt at the hands of a demon. How many deadly sins have I been through during the course of this dance? Another tale not yet told.
But tell me it was all a lie, how we touched each other, and the meals we shared. The electricity I felt as you touched me was a figment of my imagination. Look me in the eyes with that piercing gaze of your and let the words flow from your beautifully formed lips and tell me it was a lie. I want to hear you say it. Tell me over a meal, for this one meal should be the first and last of so many things for us. Tell me that every kiss, touch, letter, embrace, word and thought was a lie. Seal it with a kiss and give me back my breath that I let you steal from me and I’ll give you back all your lies.
I don’t regret anything that I have said or done but if I hurt you then I apologize for it was not my intentions, you were or are my friend. I’m not sure anymore, which is it? Will we be able to get back to basics after this? Were we ever truly there or did the lies drown us before we ever had a chance, I guess we can call it a lessoned learned, the hazards of being emotionally wrapped up into an individual. The rise to the top was such a high, but the fall of this downward spiral and crash back to reality can be, was, and still is painful.
Conjured "Purple Pet"Delighted
- 16 years, 7 months, 27 days ago