Madame Otter
" "♥Billy's Bad Otter♥
- 16 years, 6 months, 22 days ago
hahahaha shame no worries im still offering the cheese....never fear, i overtook a cheese factory just so ur cheese addiction can be satisfied^^ oooh try get a fast car vroom vroom mmmm i like those even tho i dont know much on cars myself 0.o anyways... hope all is good and work isnt killing u cause then these conversations would be pretty boring if u were dead :P so plz live YAY thx
- 16 years, 9 months, 28 days ago
lol what did u land up having for lunch? mmm now im hungry, yet again!!! oooh a new car? what ya thinking of getting hmmmmmmm? u wanna be my driver? i pay well in cheese moneys$$$ yeah the holz are going ok pretty boring sometimes but its better than school :P and dont smoke too much now missy cause if u peg out on me then whose gonna drive me around? :P lolz hope all is good in the place where...err..u are^^
- 16 years, 10 months, 19 days ago
awwww how terribly unfortunate for more holidays? thats not right blame the dutch haha cause they're errr dutch? HAHAHAHAHAHA enough said-_-''
hmmm i think ur work ethics are brilliant, i woulddefinitely hire u if u were close enough lol, dam talking bout cash $$$$$$$$$$ i need some myself so broke! ahhh not least my new clothes are pretty hehe
oh and one more thing, i hope ur tush didnt get pawned that bad by the evoooooool tax test i mean u can still sit on it right? RIGHT? oh and plz do save me some peanut butter before its all over the computer thx owe u 1 or 9 hmmm maybe diofhsdlfnosdifnos okai xD
- 16 years, 10 months, 27 days ago
hahahahaha but of course i will bring her with and then u wont be asianless and we shall hav ourselves a nice lil party^^ oh and ill bring the processed cheese, no worries lady :P yup yup everything here is going pretty gooood i just started my holidays so YAY now i can do whatever i want without feeling guilty about it...
i hope the blackmailing is going well u cool person u muahahahahaha;)
- 16 years, 10 months, 28 days ago