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"Triiiiiiina. ."
"♥ miyer~"
10000 pts
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Unknown's tales
It's my B'day today~~~ :D happy birthday to me!! :) Was sleeping in, but my friend called my dad to say she was coming over~~ so sweet!! she bought me a cake and flowers~~ ALyssa Rae Tan, u are such a sweetie!! (n_n) Thanks for being such a good friend~~
Unknown "Triiiiiiina. ." Panicky
- 16 years, 8 months, 26 days ago
EXAMS Exams exams... TAT
Unknown "Triiiiiiina. ." Panicky
- 16 years, 9 months ago
Finally got my blog set up.... (-_-)||| being the computer idiot that i am, it still lisn't perfect... the pics are too big.. *sigh~* i spent hrs trying to fix it, but the pics are very resistant to my efforts... Anyway, visist me at http://sea-poseidon.livejournal.com/ for accessories? :) Thanks~ Note: 3 cheers for Ivan for designing my blog's layout~ :D
Unknown "Triiiiiiina. ." Panicky
- 16 years, 10 months, 28 days ago
Argh!!!!! I feel soooooooo stupid! I went for a make-up lecture this morning, only to realise that it is sheduled for NEXT month, NoT today!!! SHeeSH~ This the 2nd time this sem that I've done something so stupid/blur...(Last time, I went for the wrong lecture timing...) At the rate I'm going, I'll probably go for the wrong exam or something the next time.... (-_-)lll Oh God, pls save me from my self-destructive mode... T_T
Unknown "Triiiiiiina. ." Panicky
- 16 years, 11 months, 15 days ago
Urgh~ 1st day of school and the worst! Firstly, it was Pouring. Not raining, Pouring. I was drenched by the time i got to lecture... :( Then, I was LOCKED OUT of my room!! OMG~ I freaked out.... seems there's something wrong with the lock mechanism.... anyway, my hallmate Kumar had to climb into my room and open the door from inside... >.< Thank God for boys who can climb!! Argh~ And to top it all off, my printer wasn't working last night.... what a horrible nightmare!! T.T
Unknown "Triiiiiiina. ." Panicky
- 17 years, 12 days ago
Beads and pieces
haha.... this is an interesting and promising concept!! ^-^ Er.... i guess i'll just sell anything i have on hand, usually cute stuff.... probably... maybe.... perhaps? >.<
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