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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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Unknown owns this human at 3863 points.


Unknown, 34/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:6:33 AM
Join date:17 years, 3 months, 24 days ago
Location: What City Do You Live In? United States

About me:
My birth name is Stephen, but I prefer to be called Roxas. I like to participate at Anime Conventions and do yaoi. It's fun stuff.
my artist - my title
About you:
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Bi
Herds: Careful...... We Bite, Suicide Girls, Gamers are sexy
"Mudkip Gal"
10000 pts

"Mudkip Man"
50 pts

"Miss Euphoria"
50 pts
Unknown's tales
Custom poem written for Steve Auld won at auction, titled "Our Song"

by Caitlin Hagans (this girl is amazing)

"The melody is simple
and we quote the lyrics without realizing it--
calling ourselves individuals, and lovers,
and everything there is
with words that are not our own.

All of the world is silent for a moment
as we say goodnight with our lips, and part ways..
The world shall scream its lament
when you say, "I don't know how long it will be
before we meet again."

Six months pass, and I collect the most aromatic gardenias
from the small plot in my front yard, pausing every so often
as Our song slow-dances through my mind--
I have not forgotten
how simple our melody is..

And the line is overquoted, but
I love you too."
Unknown "Pheonix" - 17 years, 1 month, 26 days ago

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Aimee Wallace
Ciao amico mio. Ho apprezzato il nostro tempo insieme molto per gli ultimi sette giorni. E 'stato per me un piacere farvi visita ogni notte. Spero che abbiate goduto come bene ...

Puoi senso che io sono colui che è stanco di questa sera, e decidere di cambiare i ruoli con me. Si prendono la mano e mi portano a letto, che stabilisce con me e avermi permesso di riposare la mia testa sul tuo petto. Riesco a sentire il tuo cuore, come si esegue attraverso le dita i miei capelli, la dolce cadenza Lulling me a dormire. Ti spiace se abbiamo appena laici qui insieme per un breve periodo di tempo? Noi coccolarVi in silenzio, sapendo questa è la nostra ultima notte insieme, godendo la sensazione di vicinanza, come ci sia deriva al largo di sognare di cose dolci e felici ...
Tucked into bed by Aimee! You have been given Tucked into bed by Aimee!.
Crafted by Aimee Wallace
Aimee Wallace "Intensity" No longer on HP - 16 years, 18 days ago
Aimee Wallace
To je kasno u noć, a ti dođe kući naći malo bilješke taped na svoj prednja vrata, govorim vam da zadovoljavaju me u moju kuću da bude u tucked večeras, zajedno sa zemljovidom. Vi hop u auto, intrigued, pitajući se što vas čeka iznenađenje. Uđete u kuću tiho, slijedeći trag koji vodi u latice ruže na spavaću sobu, da me čekaju na Vas. A deka se proširila na podu sa svime što je potrebno za čokoladom fondi. Postoje jagoda i angelcake, a čokolada je grijao. Ja ti ruku čašu šampanjca, nasmijana, i vas pitati kako vam je bio dan. Smo razgovarati i smijati se za neko vrijeme, a onda početi zijevati, dajući mi je signal da je vrijeme za krevet. JA uzeti svoju ruku i vodi vas, lifting pokriva se za vas i tucking vas u krevet, dajući vam kiss goodnight nježan i šaputav želje za slatke snove, moj prijatelj ...
Tucked into bed by Aimee! You have been given Tucked into bed by Aimee!.
Crafted by Aimee Wallace
Aimee Wallace "Intensity" No longer on HP - 16 years, 19 days ago
Aimee Wallace
Det er koldt udenfor, og vi har lige kommet ind fra en lang gåtur i sneen. Vi hilst velkommen af en flot brølende ild i pejsen, og du sidder foran den, der tager i sin varme som jeg gør os varm chokolade med mere end blot en antydning af hvid chokolade likør. Det er sent om natten. Vi sidder sammen i et kort stykke tid i stilhed, mesmerized af dansende flammer og nyder vores drikkevarer. Jeg kan se, at du bliver søvnig og du hvile dit hoved på mit skød, og jeg slagtilfælde dit hår som du glide ud til at sove. Søde drømme, min ven.
Tucked into bed by Aimee! You have been given Tucked into bed by Aimee!.
Crafted by Aimee Wallace
Aimee Wallace "Intensity" No longer on HP - 16 years, 20 days ago
Aimee Wallace
Ich habe gegossen Ihnen einen schönen heißen Sprudelbad heute Abend um warm Sie und entspannen Sie sich vor dem Schlafengehen. Der Raum ist mit Kerzen beleuchtet, Ihre Lieblings-Musik spielt, und ich habe einige frische Handtücher für Sie. Ich höre Sie singen in der Badewanne, und es macht mich kichern. Wenn Sie bereit sind, für Bett, ich dir helfen Aufstieg in und ziehen Sie die Decken bis zum Kinn, und geben Ihnen einen Kuss und Gute wünschen Ihnen süße Träume ...
Tucked into bed by Aimee! You have been given Tucked into bed by Aimee!.
Crafted by Aimee Wallace
Aimee Wallace "Intensity" No longer on HP - 16 years, 21 days ago
Aimee Wallace
Je suis surpris de vous trouver déjà au lit ce soir, en attendant pour moi ... Avez-vous eu une longue journée? Je reçois dans le lit avec vous et vous reposer votre tête sur ma poitrine, et j'ai lu pour vous le livre qui est assis sur votre table de nuit jusqu'à ce que vous la dérive au large de dormir. Soigneusement furtivement de son lit afin de ne pas vous réveiller, je remplacer le couvre plus de vous et vous laisse avec une offre goodnight kiss. Dormez bien, mon ami ...
Tucked into bed by Aimee! You have been given Tucked into bed by Aimee!.
Crafted by Aimee Wallace
Aimee Wallace "Intensity" No longer on HP - 16 years, 22 days ago
Aimee Wallace
Σας δίνει ένα επί της ράχεως βόλτα σας στο κρεβάτι, σχεδόν πτώση σας, αλλά θα καταλήξει στο κρεβάτι με ασφάλεια. Θέτει το καλύπτει και βοηθά στο κρεβάτι σας, δίνοντάς σας ένα γλυκό φιλί στο μέτωπο όπως έχω παίξει με τα μαλλιά σας, και σας εύχομαι από τα ωραιότερα όνειρα. Καληνύχτα τον φίλο μου ...
Tucked into bed by Aimee! You have been given Tucked into bed by Aimee!.
Crafted by Aimee Wallace
Aimee Wallace "Intensity" No longer on HP - 16 years, 23 days ago
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Unknown's shop
Shoppe Emoness

Special items for those emo pets of yours

Content Emo Girl to take care of
1 use

850 pts
Content Emo Girl to take care of
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Sad Emo Girl to take care of
1 use

850 pts
Sad Emo Girl to take care of
Bought by 9 people
Hurt Emo Girl to take care of
1 use

850 pts
Hurt Emo Girl to take care of
Bought by 5 people
Emo Friends
1 use

1000 pts
Emo Friends
Bought by 7 people
Angelic protection
1 use

1100 pts
Angelic protection
Bought by 6 people
Angel Warmth
1 use

850 pts
Angel Warmth
Bought by 9 people

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