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Warwick Duncan | - Free online hangout and friends
Kirsten Thompson
Kirsten Thompson owns this human at 60 points.

Warwick Duncan

Warwick Duncan, 49/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:2:24 PM
Join date:17 years, 5 months, 6 days ago
Location: Cape Town South Africa

About me:
About you:
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds: Sore Thumbs, ThiRTEeN!, Thumbz for Rae, Fantasy thumb!, DAEMONIC REVOLUTION
Warwick's tales
Warwick Duncan
Limb by limb, tooth by tooth
Tearing up inside of me
Every day, every hour
I wish that I was bullet proof

Wax me, mould me
Heat the pins and stab them in
You have turned me into this
Just wish that it was bullet proof,
was bullet proof

So pay the money and take a shot
Lead-fill the hole in me
I could burst a million bubbles
All surrogate and bullet proof
And bullet proof

- Radiohead, Bulletproof... I Wish I Was
Warwick Duncan "G3" - 16 years, 1 month, 26 days ago
Warwick Duncan
Love will save you when the ocean splits itself in two
Love will save you when the cold wind blows right through you
Love will save you when the poison eats the precious air
And love will save you from the snake that crawls around down there
But it won't save me

Love will save you from the evil and the greed of ignorant men
And love will save you from the guilt you feel when you betray your only friend
Love will save you from yourself when you lose control
And love will save you from all the lies your lover told you
But it won't save me

Love will save you from the truth when you think you're free
Love will save you from the cold light of boring reality
Love will save you from the corruption of your lazy-minded soul
And love will save you from your selfish and distorted goals
But it won't save me

Love will save you from the black night and the lightning and the ghost
Love will save you from your misery, then tie you to the bloody post
Love will save you from the hands that pull you down beneath the sea
Love may save all you people, but it will never, never save me
No it won't save me

- Swans, Love Will Save You
Warwick Duncan "G3" - 16 years, 6 months, 2 days ago
Warwick Duncan
Someone was here before me and they took the possibility away
And without any control or freedom the elements were laid down in this way
And so my mind is slowly devoured by the ideas to which it subscribes
And in the end I'm left with nothing except the memory of believing my own lies
And where are you now, my most unfortunate lie?

The light shows my face in the mirror and my hand as it reaches to touch
The evidence of pain and delusion and a mind which was never clear enough
I saw the sun rise in an ancient desert where this moment was first foretold
And the black water was thick as blood and my hands they were full of gold
And where are you now, the most lethal, all consuming lie I ever told?
Where are you now, my unfortunate, irreversible lie?

- Swans, The Most Unfortunate Lie
Warwick Duncan "G3" - 16 years, 6 months, 2 days ago
Warwick Duncan
Now the past is untrue, and this breath is a lie
And the sun is an emptiness, that burns through the sky
And this ground it will slide down, down into the sea
And when this body dies, no man will ever breath one word
Of ignorance, for me
So bury your trust beneath the ground with me
And lay your loneliness down for the sun to consume

Now the earth bleeds cold water, in my open hands
But their bodies bleed poison, and they swallow the sand
And we'll walk to the river, where we will die of a thirst
And my fate, it's no question: every fool he is broken
Beneath the same unholy curse
So bury your trust beneath the ground with me
And lay your loneliness down for the sun to burn, to sand

- Swans, Song for Dead Time
Warwick Duncan "G3" - 16 years, 6 months, 2 days ago

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Kia Aoki
Hi Warwick, how have you been? We miss you in the herd, actually I haven't been around much either. I'll go if you go, LOL. JK...hope to see you there
Creepin' by to say hi! You have been given Creepin' by to say hi!.
Crafted by Anubis
Kia Aoki "Siahathoriyunet" - 16 years, 1 month, 3 days ago
thanks for shopping :)

have a fantastic weekend You have been given have a fantastic weekend.
Crafted by lyl
lyl "ColoUrBlind ♥" sitting nearby the broken tree - 16 years, 1 month, 14 days ago
Lisa Read
hehe indeed i am online :) going to bed now is abit slow and frusrating..thumbing my herd darn i like the wound of that :D thanks..hehe..anyhoo slwwptight when you do sleep..see you on saturday..:)
You have been given Pent.
Crafted by Kia Aoki
Lisa Read "Dark Angel" busy busy busy... - 16 years, 1 month, 28 days ago
Lisa Read
oh darn im runnin out of items for have to get more for you..
You have been given Retro Alchemy.
Crafted by Samir
Lisa Read "Dark Angel" busy busy busy... - 16 years, 1 month, 28 days ago
Lisa Read

You have been given a dare.
Crafted by rob
Lisa Read "Dark Angel" busy busy busy... - 16 years, 1 month, 29 days ago
Lisa Read

You have been given the obligatory badge.
Crafted by rob
Lisa Read "Dark Angel" busy busy busy... - 16 years, 2 months ago
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Warwick's shop
What's mine is yours

Light in a dark place
1 use

200 pts
Light in a dark place
Bought by 8 people
Together always
1 use

200 pts
Together always
Bought by 3 people
For you
1 use

200 pts
For you
Bought by 13 people
Waiting, wanting
1 use

200 pts
Waiting, wanting
Bought by 9 people
From the heart
1 use

200 pts
From the heart
Bought by 9 people
1 use

200 pts
Bought by 2 people
Look into my soul.
1 use

200 pts
Look into my soul.
Bought by 9 people
The answers. Assembly required.
1 use

200 pts
The answers.  Assembly required.
Bought by 5 people
My weakness: Vanity
1 use

200 pts
My weakness: Vanity
Bought by 6 people
My weakness: Envy
1 use

200 pts
My weakness: Envy
Bought by 8 people
My weakness: Lust
1 use

200 pts
My weakness: Lust
Bought by 20 people
My weakness: Gluttony
1 use

200 pts
My weakness: Gluttony
Bought by 5 people
My weakness: Avarice
1 use

200 pts
My weakness: Avarice
Bought by 7 people
My weakness: Sloth
1 use

200 pts
My weakness: Sloth
Bought by 4 people
My weakness: Wrath
1 use

200 pts
My weakness: Wrath
Bought by 10 people

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