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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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Unknown, 46/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:6:21 AM
Join date:17 years, 4 months, 21 days ago
Location: Perth Australia

"I have a DREAM... that one day i'll remember THAT DREAM!"
About me:
MUSIC and physical activities = my passion,
I confuse ambition with ability regularly in regards to both... I'm no slouch but tend to "bite off more than i can chew" if i may use that old chestnut of an adage!
Putting others before yourself = happiness,
nothing better than the look on someones face after a random act of kindness.
Random - Road trips / Mischieviousness / steps outside the comfort zondisable= Emancipation of mind, body and soul.
challenge myself daily as not to become stale or a 'rut dweller'
'Take the piss' out of myself = helps to keep ego in check and beats ya mates or work colleagues to finding that 'soft spot'
other than that lot of semi hallmark card / motivational desk notes -
i love a dance, people watching, hungry hungry hippos, people watching, spotting shapes in clouds, making up new animals and their names (possibly on a sunday morning going into sunday arvo after a big night out). social butterflyism..... pretending i have my own cooking show when it comes to nightly meals... so while you're reading this lot, heres an 'about me' i prepared earlier... oh yeah i love cheese too aparently ;-P
About you:
left of centre, outside the ride, off kilter... awww forget it all... if you can type in english its a start!
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Straight
Herds: Livin in the Land Down Under, ♥♥EJ's Hot Pot♥♥
"drop tail allie"
33075 pts
"lickrish "
8986 pts

158 pts

"rum 'n raisin"
50 pts

50 pts
Unknown's tales
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only had time to pop in and check things quickly of late... anzac day tomorrow if you can get to a dawn service near you to honour the memory of those who died to give us the freedom we now enjoy... lets have an awesome long weekend!
Unknown "Nut" Playful - 16 years, 10 months, 8 days ago
to all whom may be concerned with my lack of creativity and response of late... been burning the candle at both ends with work and partying and well my attention to my old faithful and laptop has taken second place but rest assured i'll find my feet again soon... if you haven't noticed then maybe its all in my head, who said that?
Unknown "Nut" Playful - 16 years, 12 months, 3 days ago
So my owner has been deleted again, probably about the 5th time i reckon... why can't she just behave herself, i get left once again chewing on the corners of some old cardboard box that next door had thrown all their empty beer bottles out in. oh and at cold... OH SO COLD!
Unknown "Nut" Playful - 17 years, 5 days ago
since i changed my profile pic to "Dodgy Magnum PE Teacher" i don't get random 'pets' like i used to... i don't get it! i think i look rather strapping ;-P
surely it couldn't be the mo?
surely people aren't that shallow they only 'pet' on looks?
hmmm i smell sarcasm in the air...
Unknown "Nut" Playful - 17 years, 21 days ago
I picked you up so long ago
I remember the anticipation, the excitement
that hardcore yearn to be living my dream.

Oh that yearn!

I wanted to know everything about you
I wanted to know it all at once
I didn't want to wait, why wait, life is short
instant gratification is a drug, a powerful one
beware the easy road and coasting.
If its so easy why isn't everyone doing it?

you weren't easy...

why did I think you were going to be?

the strength of my youthful fantasy brought you to me
now limitations caused through distraction are driving you away.
I want to shut the world out
I want to be alone with you
this life void of any rough copy or dress rehearsal is mocking me
I can't turn my back on all the others
do I dare to draw the line
who do I cull first

my soul weeps.

its been so long since we tried something new
you know me and I know you
yet when I hold you sometimes you seem like a stranger

in my darkest times you ignited my fire within
I felt your warmth that at the time only you could give.
when I was beaming you shared in my joy
everyone could see it
mum always liked you.

I guess I should apologise cause now I can see
it was never you it has always been me.

its never too late to rekindle that flame
you're above holding grudges or laying the blame

look, its started already just thinking of you
the rhymes and the rhythm that you drew me to

this promise i make now we've come so far
I'll never abandon you old faithful guitar...

Unknown "Nut" Playful - 17 years, 1 month, 2 days ago
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You have been fed breath mints.
Sarah Bold - 15 years, 11 months, 26 days ago

HI THere You have been given HI THere.
Crafted by Bruce
Unknown "miss smurfette" - 16 years, 10 days ago
for you nut!
Brazilian Nuts You have been given Brazilian Nuts.
Crafted by Carolina Barbosa
Unknown "Hot Choco" Curious - 16 years, 13 days ago

Hello You have been given Hello.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "miss smurfette" - 16 years, 13 days ago
howdy there...weird. you are owned by an alison and you own an allison....i think allison's of al varieties are on the loose...kinda like 'hungry like the wolf' ...oooh my
Awesome! You have been given Awesome!.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "drop tail allie" Courageous - 16 years, 15 days ago

You have been given zomBEE eats ur brainz.
Crafted by Charlotte
Unknown "Lady Loz" Sparkling - 16 years, 2 months, 19 days ago
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The Bare Cupboard

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