,,bring bonita back plz join group ! FB can delete you without notice just like they did her so its in all ppl interest to join they have been doing this to thousands if any one is mad at you no just cause no edvidence needed they just email FB and say your fake then your deleted !!!!
"MY ALL LOVE "Hopeless
- 16 years, 7 months, 8 days ago
,can u put this in tale and ask ppl also to do? and post in herds every place? join group asking fb to bring bonita back and ask ppl to please join also ? shes was deleted accused of being fake we have almost 300 of her friends who have joined and all say she is not fake and this was the act of jealous revengeful evil ! This could happen to you if someone is upset with you no proof needed fb is and has been deleting ppl on the grounds nothing more than a person sends in ur fake or u did bad and no proof from fb need to show just cause of guilt of the charge ur just deleted!!! anyone gets pissed at u one email to fb with no proof and ur deleted!!! please see this group and be careful because this could be you!!!