All right hon. I figured someone would have snatched you away from me likethat.
So, as your owner, it's my duty to inform you of how this bad boy works. So here goes. First, when you see a thumbs up, click it, it gets that person 10 pts, as it will get you 10 pts when you comment in your own comment section, or in someone elses. Then there are tales, which is up above next to herds. Tales are like a diary or a blog. You can write whatever you want. If you check mine out you should get an idea, I babble about everything. This will get you thumbs, so that when people come to your page they can click on your thumbs getting you points. Then there are herds, which are like groups, a bunch of people in the same place, talking like on a message board, except here you have thumbs and people thumb each other. There is also express, which is in the community section above. Hover your mouse of that and a thing called Express will be there, click on that, and that's like a chat room/message board with a lot of thumbing possibilities. Points make human pets go round, as you see you have a bunch of pets. As their owner, it's your job to check in on them and thumb the hell out of them when they have it, as it's their job to thumb the hell out of you. You can also visit people's shops and buy stuff with your points. Which brings us to shops, upload some picture thing's to your shop and set a price, get's you a bunch of points. And there are also auctions, you can auction yourself off. The most basic is a facebook add, or you can offer to thumb people's pages and herds. So, if you have any questions, let me know hon.
"I own myself"Content
- 17 years, 25 days ago
very nice megan
"Kim's ((HOTTIE)"Carefree
- 17 years, 25 days ago
Hey there little aussie. Welcome to the human pets and watch out for the pervs.
"I own myself"Content
- 17 years, 25 days ago