I totally just had a whole Gears of War thing goin..... then I died.... kinda killed the moment....
anyway, I've learned over time that math isn't as stable as some would like to think.
like for instance, the decimal form of 1/3 is .33333333333333333 (repeating, since I don't know how to make the symbol on here)
2/3 is .666666666666666666666666666666 (same rules, repeating)
so following this pattern, 3/3 should be .999999999999999999 which doesn't equal 1, yet 3/3 is supposed to be equal to 1.
They have a thing for this though saying that it hits an eventual wall and goes to 1. but if you think about that, that's very inconsistent with the never ending repeat.
also, in Calculus, there are time's where dividing by zero is undefined, yet at times you can divide 0 by 0 and get 1.
Ok, I think I'm done being geeky....... for now.
Unknown "Raddish" Ecstatic
- 17 years, 2 months, 7 days ago