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Unknown's tales
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(Part 2 of letter)

I remember waking up and finding myself face down on the sand. The tide had risen and the water now lapped at my feet. Looking around i realize that it was now dawn. The action of turning my head brought a sharp pain in my neck. As i tried to rub the pain away, what happened in the night flashed in my head.

"God, i'm now a vampire!"

I nearly screamed my head off.

Forcing myself to calm down, i gingerly touched the spot that the little girl had 'kissed' me and........ nothing. No pain. Except for the neck cramp of course. No blood, i told myself. As i sat there wondering, the first rays of sulight hit the beach. Shielding my eyes against the glare, i realize that the light didn't burn me or harm me in anyway. Obviously, if i was a vampire i would be dead by now. So everything must have been a dream. Thus reassured i got up and began walking back to the campsite. Damn, it sure am far!

When i reached the campsite, everyone was still sleeping. Wait a minute, they are not sleeping, more like they passed out after the booze session. i sat myself down and waited for them to regain conciousness. i didn't have to wait long. Within minutes of sitting down, some were already moaning and trying to get up. How i laughed at them! By that time the previous night events were already a cloudy memory. By the time we packed up and got on the way home, i would have looked blank if anyone had questioned me regarding the night before.

The sun shining brightly, the warmth of the rays on my skin, the usual chaos in the car. What could be more normal?
Man, was I wrong.

Fast forward a few days....i began to realize i was getting more and more thirsty. Even worse, no amount of water or any liquid seems to quench my thirst. I began to feel weak. At the same time my vision started to change. Most of the world now seems a hazy red to me. More unsettling was the way i saw people around me. I can no longer distinguish clearly the features of people. What i see is only a myriad of colours clinging to each person, not unlike the spectrum colours. Occassionally, i see people who are surrounded by a pale blue aura. This i later found out to be vampires. My first theory was that the difference in aural colour was because of body temperature. This was only partly true. Oh, i forgot to tell you. Anyone coming into physical contact with me complained that i was cold and clammy, not unlike a corpse. These encounters thankfully are few. Now where was i? Oh yes, the aural difference. As i was saying it is partly because of heat, but it is also because of emotions. Yep. E-M-O-T-I-O-N. The average human is comprised of a wide range of emotion at any given time. Different colours for different emotions, you get the idea? On the other hand, vampires have a very narrow band of emotions, if any. For example, my attitude tends to be cold most of the time. Passive indifference.

Your flesh creeping now? I endured 2 days of agony. I knew i was thirsting for blood. but i can't bring myself to feed on humans............ yet. Finally unable to bear the torture any longer, i caught a rat and sank my fangs into it. Gosh, what a relief! but i know it wont last me long. Human blood has a more lasting effect compared to others. Don't ask me why, i just know.

One more thing, i realize that light has no effect on me. No pain, only a slight discomfort. Surprised? Let me explain. Vampires are divided into 3 types. Type 1 is the weakest, dies at the contact of light and religious items(crucifixes etc.). Type 2 is slightly stronger withstanding light and but falls to crucifixes etc. Type 3 is resistant to both. I don't know what kills them. These are VERY rare, 1 in a few million? not sure, don't care. I am type 2, means i can walk around under the sun like humans. What type we are are determined by who bites us. The little girl was atype 2 vampire. Talk about small is powerful....

Anyway, i began feeding on animal blood for sustenance, stray dogs, cats ,rats etc. but I knew that the time to move on to human blood was drawing nearer....

(to be continued)

Unknown Adventurous - 16 years, 3 months, 24 days ago
My Darkest Secret( A curse )

LETTER TO MY DEAREST FRIEND.....................

Dear Ee Wei,

It's been a long time since we last met much les talk. During this time span, a lot has happened. Here is my story...a word of warning though. What i tell is not for everyone.

It all began with a trip. A camping trip to be exact. I remember 6 of us guys planned to camp on the beach during our sem break. No doubt we were excited, exam just over....time to shake off all the stress. Oh, I forgot to tell you where we were camping. Port Dickson was the destination. I remember packing everything I thought i might need into my bag. Towel? check. Shirts? pants? double check. Erm, unmentionables? check. phone, wallet etc.? definitely.

Camping day! All of us met at the arranged place right on time. All right, i lied. we didn't move out at the planned time, what with late comers and so on. But move out we did. We piled ourselves into 2 cars. (we thought of squeezing 6 noisy, sweaty guys into one car but after serious consideration we dismisssed it. we might never reach PD, you know?)

The trip was rather uneventful. We tried to be good boys and stuck to the speed limit. That lasted for like 1 hour. Then the devil in us woke up. Speed limit? what speed limit? thank goodness we didn,t get any speeding tickets. Oh,i nearly forgot. We got sidetracked by some hot looking gal in a hot looking car. Confused? I'll explain. One of us guys spotted the beauty in the car passing by at high speed and informed the driver. The driver out of curiosity decides to give chase and was so caught up that we got lost. Well, at least for a few minutes. After that, we headed for PD wthout further delays.

We reached there around evening. After a good meal, we set to pitching our tent. By the time we finished, it was already sunset. We decide to rest awhile. Whe we woke up again, it was nearly midnight. A bonfire was built, and some stuf was barbequed. Next on the menu was booze and ghost stories. But it soon became obvious that there would be no stories, only some drunks on the beach under the stars.

This is where the real story begins. Read and judge for yourself where i went wrong.

Not one to drink, i left my friends at the campsite and went for a long walk. After what seemed like a million miles, i finally realize i had walked far enough that everything was still and silent. Only the sound of the waves could be heard. I should have turned back but i did not. i had spied a pile of rocks further up. i went there, climbed on the rocks and sat there.

As i sat there staring at the stars, i became aware of a soft moaning sound as though injured. Fearfull as i was of what i may find, i went to investigate. The sounds were coming from the other side of the rocks. Quietly i slid down the rock. Imagine my surprise to find a little girl of maybe 7 years old lying face down in the dark.

Quickly, i turned her body round. There appeared to be a trickle of blood fom the corner of her lips. A pulse, i told myself franctically. Before i could check her pulse, she opened her eyes and smiled. I looked into her eyes trying to find out what happened. That was my undoing. Her eyes were silver and red in the moonlight. As i looked into those innocent looking eyes, i knew i was lost.

I remember her words clearly in my head until today..

"Have you seen my mommy?"

I shook my head.

"I feel cold. Can you hold me?"

I did. I would have done anything at that time for her. I remember carrying her in my arms. I remember her wrapping her little arms around my neck. I remember her lips pulling back to reveal little fangs. I remember her face change into that of hungry eagerness. I remember her burying her fangs into my neck. I remember it was painless. I remember thinking that she would forever be 7 years old.

Then everything went dark.....

(to be continued)
Unknown Adventurous - 16 years, 4 months, 4 days ago
Yawn.....many days have passed since i took over this SHELL. Feels good to be in control. There has been news about a brilliant streak of light somewhere in space, and guess what these pathetic humans actually think? Aliens! UFO! Haha, UFO? how ridiculous. Aliens? now thats more like it. Each time i hear someone mention that word i feel tempted to wave my hands and shout 'Here!Here! Alien over here!' of course, based on my newly aquired knowledge, that would be a bad idea. They will probably:

a) Drag me off to some unknown lab for experiments OR
b) Put me in a straight jacket and lock me up in an asylum.

Hah, enough of this nonsense. 1 thing i learned while controlling this SHELL is the totally pointless task of doing ASSIGNMENTS. Really,what a waste of time. Pity my SHELL is that of a student....

(the above story has been put on hold.the author has run out of ideas, i think...)
Unknown Adventurous - 16 years, 6 months, 4 days ago
118 hours.....

I now know where I am,at least vaguely. I am trapped in a sort of shell, inside what is known as a human being. Apparently, human beings are the most dominant creatures on this planet called EARTH. Sharing this shell is another entity, also known as a SOUL. This was the original SOUL. Even now I can feel the hostility of my alter ego. Sharing this shell has enabled me to assimilate all of it's knowledge into me....

NAME is Julian.......
AGE is 23 years.......
GENDER is male........AND MUCH MORE..........

Despite the massive amount of info that has to be devoured within such a short TIME, the most important is..... I AM DYING.

Unless......I kill off the other SOUL..

Enough! Time for take over!
Unknown Adventurous - 16 years, 7 months, 2 days ago
I remember soaring across the galaxies. Together with my brothers and sisters, with the Queen leading the pack. With our thoughts fused together we felt...invincible. Then came the bright light,brighter than any star we've encountered. I remember pain...intense pain. then everything went dark....

When I opened my eyes, I saw........I can't describe what are those! Where am I? I felt suffocated. I felt trapped.....

Unknown Adventurous - 16 years, 7 months, 7 days ago
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Alexander Graesser
random comment #60) *sizzled* You have been sizzled
Alexander Graesser "Flambeaux" gone! - 16 years, 3 months, 8 days ago

You have been given I will fight to keep you.
Crafted by
Unknown "Mystical-Beauty" Sleepy - 16 years, 5 months, 16 days ago
be my owner please darling and ill give you one wish ... like A FAIRY!
Unknown "another young 1" Playful - 16 years, 5 months, 22 days ago
awh !well im sure your plant will grow pretty soon then my love ^^
Unknown "another young 1" Playful - 16 years, 5 months, 23 days ago
haha awwh erm ... maybe you could hug your money tree? it might not be growning because it needs love :D:D
Unknown "another young 1" Playful - 16 years, 5 months, 24 days ago
im quite alright darling ^^ ... yourself ? x
Unknown "another young 1" Playful - 16 years, 5 months, 25 days ago
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