Christmas this year sucked.
It wasn't because my family did anything bad, because they were awesome, or because of the presents, because I'm not supermaterialistic and besides, I received some very nice gifts, or because I didn't like National Treasure 2 (it was actually pretty good).
It started out okay, but I didn't get enough sleep and subsequently got more and more tired as the day went on. By the time the movie finished, I was so done with Christmas, it wasn't even funny. Got home to find that Christmas dinner was already finished. Ate some cold ham, watched Noah kick ass at Guitar Hero, house was chaotic as usual. This is what happens when you're the oldest of 8 kids.
Then the real fun began.
Josh and I broke out one of my gifts. Mom bought me Trivial Pursuit: Book Lover's Edition. I love books, but I am totally not well-read enough to answer the questions. I think we went through at least 150 cards and gave up when we'd answered maybe five or six questions between us. It went on for way too long and I found myself hating it and felt guilty for hating it, because it's a gift, but seriously, these questions were about totally obscure books and authors and I had the beginnings of a headache, so Josh finally said "get one of the classics questions right and we'll quit."
A question came up about Dumas, my mind went completely blank. It was insane. The only books I knew by Dumas were Count of Monte Cristo and The Three Musketeers, and the question was asking which book features the adventures of the three musketeers, so I knew it couldn't be that last one, because that would be far too obvious. The only thing I could think of was Leonardo DiCaprio, and I had no idea why, so I blurted out "I know this is wrong but themanintheironmask?"
Josh looked incredulous. "I've been trying to send that answer to you through telepathy, it must have worked!!"
"Dumas wrote that?" I said. "I had no idea! I thought it was just some movie. Shows you what I know." We took that as our cue to quit and headed out to escape the chaos for a while.
Josh wanted a Whopper. We scouted four different Burger Kings. They were all lit up like Christmas trees, but with nobody inside. It was tantalizing and awful.
Got home, more chaos. Hung out a while, Josh had some meatball soup and more ham, we chilled a bit, and I started feeling worse and worse, like last night. I finally dragged him out and we drove to the park where we had a long talk with a whole lot of tears on my end. Now I have one of those crying headaches, my eyes are all swollen shut, I'm exhausted but not remotely sleepy, and I just want someone else to talk to.
The talk was a long time coming, some things needed to be said, and I know there are more things that need to be said, but mostly I need to figure out what the hell I'm going to do with myself, because I am seriously driving myself insane these days and it's not in a good way, either. I need some hugs. Can someone give me some hugs?
To sum up: Christmas started out good, ended bad. I need my chocolates, but I can't find them. The end.
Unknown "Musical Banana" Nervous
- 17 years, 2 months, 4 days ago