Hello Chelsea! It's nice to have you back here! Don't mind, you'll learn :) Chatting and getting know interesting new people is the greatest thing here.
You can buy nice "presents" (called items and you find them from market above, gray area and other people's profiles) to anybody you like to. Pts for that (and to buy new pets) you get from creating your own spamming herd (every thumb given to you will get your pts) or from your own shop. And you get 300 pts logging in every day ( + 100 pts from every two hours you are logged on).
Give thumbs to peolple you like and they will thumb you back. Write couple of tales, too (or just add pics or videos) . That's nice way to tell something about you. At the same time you get pts from people thumbing them.
You can join other Human Pets herds too to chat what ever you like to :) There's a quite wide selection from kinky stuff to LOST fans (like me!)
Just ask, I'll help you (and my American/Canadian friends are more than happy to help you as well, if I can't explain something in English)