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" Rªvïn "

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Unknown's tales
PRAYER TO SATAN (to be performed naked bowing to Satan's image)- I bow down naked at the feet of Satan the Devil - and submit totally and forever to DARK SATANIC EVIL - I pray to SATAN to fill me TOTALLY with EVIL and to POSSESS me with all the DEMONS - I pray to SATAN to use me to carry out the evilest and most degrading bestialacts - I pray to SATAN to deliver me to HELL as soon as I have completed his evil work on earth - I pray to SATAN to accept me as his TOTAL SATANIC SLAVE - I pray to SATAN to make me the DEVIL incarnate NOW - I BEG SATAN TO ACCEPT THIS EVIL PRAYER IN HIS NAME - HAIL SATAN! COME TO ME SATAN NOW!
Unknown " Rªvïn " Loyal - 16 years, 4 months, 14 days ago
Thumb if you think she hot?
Unknown " Rªvïn " Loyal - 16 years, 4 months, 18 days ago
Is Urine good for you?

Did you know the discovery of “JET LAG” pill is from Urine?
Urine, Cleaner than saliva?
Humans have been drinking their own urine for thousands of years?

You’d probably have to be mighty thirsty to drink your own URINE, but millions of people do it everyday.

Recent research shows it might not be such a crazy idea-and this research could lead us to the “JET LAG” pill.

People have been drinking their own urine for thousand of years. Morari Desai and Mahatma Ghandi, Prime Minister of India, did it everyday.

According to Paul Keating, Queen Beatrice of the Netherlands actually drank a glass of pig urine on Dutch TV.
To prove that Dutch pork was of the hightest standard.

Some supports of urine drinking claim that it is mentioned in the bible.

Proverbs 5:15 says’ Drink thy waters of thine own cistern’, while John 7:38 says ‘ Out of his belly shall flow rivers of living waters’.

Some old Indian documents are very definite about the benefits of drinking your own urine.

The ancient yogic text, Damara Tantra, refers to a tecnique called ‘ SHUAMBU KALPA VIDHI’ which means literally ‘Urine revitalising Technique’.
In this text says ‘A sensible man get up early in the morning when three quarters of the night has passed faces east and passes urine. The initial and concluding flow of urine is to be discarded. The intermediate flow is to be consumed. This is the most suitable method’.
In order words, drink your own mid-stream urine, very early in the morning. They called this habit ‘amaroli’- and it was supposed to help them meditate.

But other people have claimed medical benefits from urine. As 1863, the habit of injecting urine was mentioned in a book called The Physiological Memoirs of Surgeon Hammond, US Army. He recommended using a hypodermic needle and syringe.

Today in alternative medicine, the healing use of urine is called ‘UROPATHY’. It is claimed to cure everything from cancer to AIDS and it’s used in everything form imaginable. Patients supposed to drink it, squirt it into various body orifices, use it as an enema, gargle or douche, and dribble it into their eyes and ears as drops. If they’re a little shy, they can start off with just sniffing urine. Certainly many athletes claim that washing your feet with urine heals blisters very rapidly.

Urine-Cleaner than saliva?
Most people think that urine is full of germs. They’re wrong-
Urine has fewer germs than your mouth, or the waters you get out of tap.

Normally, Urine is sterile’, which means that there are no significant numbers of bacteria present. If you were to take a few millilitres of urine, and add some germ- free food-for- bacteria, no bacteria would grow. However, if you were unlucky and had a urinary tract infection, then there would be bacteria in your urine which would grow in the presence of the bacteria-food.

So while your urine might not seem very delicious or tasty to drink, without a urinary tract infection it certainly has fewer bacteria than your own saliva.

Urine- Drinking in Taiwan
About 200 000 Taiwanese drink their own urine every morning. This movement began when Chen Ching- chuan met an old war friend, after 14 years separation. To his surprise, his old friend had aged. His friend said he had been drinking his own urine, so Mr Chen followed his example.
Mr Chen ran into trouble with the local police when he recently had to apply for a new identification card. He looked 44 years old, not 64- but luckily, a friend gave the needed identification. The urine-drinking movement is now so popular that it even runs a urine therapy hotline.

Normally, your body makes about one millilitre of urine per minute- about a small glassful every hour.
Urine is about 95 per cent water and about five per cent solids. These solids include vitamins, proteins, enzymes, salts, uric acid, prostraglandins, and a recently discovered hormone called Melatonin.

Melatonin is probably the reason the ancient yogic drank their own urine. Melatonin is made by the pineal gland, which the French philosopher and mathematician Descartes called’ The seat of a soul’.

As a drug, Melatonin has a wide range of effects. If you eat it or drink it sniff it, you can get everything from mild sedation, pain relief, sleep, a feeling of emotional balance’, increased visual imagery and feelings of elation, right up to an alteration is produced by the pineal gland only when your eyes are shut. In your blood, the level of melatonin peaks around 2:00am, but there are significant quantities made midnight and 6:00am.

It turns out that beta blockers, a drug commonly given for high blood pressure, prevent this night time released of melatonin. This might explain why beta blockers sometimes cause nightmare.

Now the yogic ritual is to get up at 4:00am, drink your own urine and then meditate. Any urine made after 2:00am is loaded with melatonin, and this melatonin might relieve some of the physical pain of sitting motionless and cross-legged for two hours. It would certainly make your meditation easier if you had increased visual imagery, and feelings of elation. Also the melatonin helps to reset your boby clock, and it fools your body into thinking that it has had enough sleep. In fact, scientists are looking at using melatonin as a pill to protect you against jet lag, by re-setting your body clock.

Jet Lag and Melatonin.
“Jet lag “ is the disruption of your internal body clock. You want your breakfast porridge when everybody else wants dinner. About 15 per cent of travellers never get jet lag, 15per cent will be bed-rotten by it, while 70 per cent can get by, but don’t feel great. You need about one day to reset your clock from the shock of crossing one time zone. So it will take you 12 days to recover from flying halfway around the world over 12 time zones.
The standard advice depends on which way you are flying. If you are heading east over six or fewer time zones, expose yourself beforehand to natural morning light for about three or four hours. But if you’re planning to cover more than six time zones, avoid the morning light and get the midday light. If you are heading west over six or fewer time zones, expose yourself to natural afternoon light for about three or four hours. But if you’re planning to cover more than six time zones, avoid the afternoon light and get the midday light.

However, all this could change when the melatonin pill becomes available. If you take melatonin in the morning, It delays your body clock. If you take melatonin in the afternoon or early evening, it advances your body clock. So adjusting jet lag could be as easy as taking a pill at the right time.

The yogic texts also say that the urine of children is superior to that of adults. The pineal gland in children produces more melatonin, and this is why children sleep longer than adults. The extra melatonin would help the mediatation.

The yogic texts also say that should drink your own everyday for over a month before you get the full effect. Studies have shown that you need to take melatonin for a month to lock in your sleep cycles.
So the ancient yogic texts were right. A glass of urine a day could keep the stress away- drinking your own urine could be handy if you have a big project coming up.

Unknown " Rªvïn " Loyal - 16 years, 4 months, 18 days ago

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Jonesy "JJ" Sleepy - 15 years, 7 months, 24 days ago
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