ahoyyy!!!!I'm like a hooker with a heart of gold. I don't like large groups of ppl, i'm slightly paranoid.....of just about everything; the government, ppl, ppl watching me, and the aliens most of all :| i dont like to talk alot 74.6% of the time.you learn alot about ppl by shutting up and listening to them. I'm shy and akward around new ppl but once u get 2 kno me u'll c i don't have a happy medium. i'm either too quiet or too loud..... I'm am me.....do not lable me bcuz i can not be defined....and further more.....where's your will to be wierd???
Had a good Halloween! It was the adventures of Batman & Bee Girl! Played some tricks and got some treats. Met some rather interesting people and got to run around all weekend in a tu tu and managed to not get too many strange looks. AND I woke up to suck A beautiful day! +2 WhoOoO hOOOO! {^.^} BrandE_Licious Loyal
- 14 years, 3 months ago
Has been neglecting all of youz :( I sorry. BrandE_Licious Loyal
- 14 years, 5 months, 27 days ago
Just got back from seeing "Clash of the Titans" Awesome movie!!!! Not in 3D tho (boooOerns) but it was still and awesome movie give or take the 3D-ness If YOU *~*points finger*~* haven't seen it yet i suggest youu do! BrandE_Licious Loyal
- 14 years, 9 months, 5 days ago
Is really homesick :( but i'm trying not to think about it. its hard. and it sucks. but today was a better day. I met my second cousin for the very first time today. I didn't even know we lived in the same city. it totaly rocked my socks {^.^} BrandE_Licious Loyal
- 14 years, 9 months, 6 days ago