a long long time ago the rainforest was home to the 3 toed sloth, also know as claudine this animal was a very very wise animal and known to be the most beautiful stunning creature of the world. she would climb the tree's and watch upon all the other stupid animals...one day all the rainforest animals were sick of being the dumb one's and were very jelouse of the stunning claudine. so they gathered for a meeting and decided to kill her and eat her brains so they could be the smart one's of the rainforest...but little did they know claudine had micro hearing and heard what the animals were planning. Claudine decided what had to be done to survive and keep her race alive, deep in the forest there was a special little fern that grew these purple seed's that made animals go to sleep for a one hundred years, everyone knew to never ever eat those seed's but claudine could not risk the other animals to eat her brains and be the smartest one's in the rainforest, so off she went to the fern deep deep into the wild green forest, she only took a handful and gulped them down with pride. Claudine went to a little cave to fall asleep and sleep she did for one hundred years. After a while the animals were sick of trying to find claudine and decided to just forget about her...when the one hundred years were up claudine awoke from her heavy slumber and regained her strenth slowly, by then all the other animals had forgotten about how smart she was, and only heard thelegend tale of claudine but never belived it.Until one day two dumb arse animals spotted claudine way up high in the tree's, they ran off to tell the other's that they saw the legend of claudine. It was true , there she was in all her glory! That day they decided that claudine must be the princess of the rainforest and they treated her with the up most dignity! so that is the tale of the 3 toed sloth called claudine..to this very day if you go to the forest of mission beach and listen very quiet you may here her snoring away up in the tree's, she has been only sighted a few times this year!
- 17 years, 2 months, 5 days ago