Prisoners' Escape There was a Roman, a Gaul, and a Teuton, they were escapin from prison and the Roman jumped over the razor sharp barb wire wall and lost his arm then the Gual jumped over the wall and lost a leg then the Teuton jumped over the fence with all limbs and they said how did u do that and the Teuton said "ting tang Teuton balls hanging on the prison wall!"
Unknown "英雄" Loving
- 17 years, 2 months, 15 days ago
THE MORON AWARDS Last summer, down on Lake Isabella, located in the high desert, an hour east of Bakersfield, California, some folks, new to boating, were having a problem. No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't get their brand new 22 ft. boat going. It was very sluggish in almost every maneuver, no matter how much power was applied. After about an hour of trying to make it go, they putted to a nearby marina, thinking someone there could tell them what was wrong. A thorough topside check revealed everything in perfect working condition. The engine ran fine, the out drive went up and down, and the prop was the correct size and pitch. So, one of the marina guys jumped in the water to check underneath. He came up choking on water, he was laughing so hard. Now remember.. This is true.. Under the boat, still strapped securely in place, was the trailer!
Unknown "英雄" Loving
- 17 years, 2 months, 15 days ago
Thirteen A young man was strolling down a street. As he passed a large building with a fence around it, he heard a group of people chanting "Thirteen, thirteen, thirteen" over and over again. Curious, he tried to see over the fence, but couldn't. Then he spotted a hole in the wood. He put his eye to the hole. He just managed to spy some old people sitting in deckchairs chanting, before a finger came out of nowhere and poked him in the eye. As he staggered back, the old people started chanting, "Fourteen, fourteen, fourteen..."
Unknown "英雄" Loving
- 17 years, 2 months, 15 days ago
Seminar about Name Some parents and their children went to a seminar about why the parents named their child what they are. Only about 10 people showed up, so it was pretty personal. The spokesperson,pointing at a parent said,"You named your child Penny because you have a want for riches and money." He moved on,"You named your child Candie because you have a desire for sweets and chocolate." He then pointed at a dad. "You named you child Homer because you have a deep love of baseball." The parents and kids began to stir around a little bit, thinking that this spokesperson is pretty good. Then a mom and a child stood up. As they left, the mother said, "Cmon Dick, lets go."
Unknown "英雄" Loving
- 17 years, 2 months, 15 days ago
Drivers' Procedure MALE PROCEDURE 1. Drive up to the cash machine. 2. Put down your car window. 3. Insert card into machine and enter PIN. 4. Enter amount of cash required and withdraw. 5. Retrieve card, cash and receipt. 6. Put window up. 7. Drive off.
Unknown "英雄" Loving
- 17 years, 2 months, 15 days ago