My Tracks Before Sleeping
This is what i've done lately every night before i go to sleep..
First off all,i have a little part of ritual...hee hee
My ritual is only thinking and thinking about my day,my life,my family,and my sorrows..
So its strange i guess,cause i have a cup of coffee with me,,chic choc crunch if you know that,white marlboro (^^),,and the important thing is turn off the light..
Track 1:Hands to Heaven - Christian Bautista
Attachment: my suggestion you start thinking about your lonely time ,,while you miss Him so much..
Start thinking about our weakness as a human with have only sins that may killed the God it self..
Track 2:Like an Angel - Yngwie Malmsteen
Attachment: Think about wtf!!! The melodic guitar its so awesome! If you can get the lyric of this song,trust me its simple but its true...Its happened to me,its may happen to you too..We sacrificed our life,,our hope for an angel (maybe she or he) that we are looking for in this entire world..
Track 3:Diary of Jane - Breaking Benjamin
Attachment: I cried because of this song...Its realy describe what i felt..Maybe if you feel the same,when you love someone that have changed..You stick with him or her..You give all you have,,all off your hope..You waiting for a very long time..But everything had changed..No matter how hard we tried..We still looking our place in his or her "diary" that our name is not writen there in his or her heart and life....No matter how we tried to forget and look another way..We still cant forget him or her...
Track 4:So Far Away - Crossfade
Attachment: Enough for the crap of my life! this song really encourage and support me! So forget about the past and walk on another day...
Track 5:Another Day - Dream Theather
Attachment:Just keep optimized my self to another day...Tomorrow will be better...Not much too say,but this song is amazing,tell me who can make a song like this these day???Im a kind of person that feel the lyric of the song first..But i tell you,if this song dont have a still know what the song try to tell you..
Actually this not only the tracks i listened before sleeping..many more choice for me..i still have many good and nice song for me that give me strength and hope like a
This is my first blog anyway..hope you get something..Avenged 7vold said Seiz the Day..I said Seize the Night!Cheer!
took from my friendster blog
Unknown " ♥--Ab-- ♥" Sad
- 17 years, 2 months, 7 days ago