I don't think anyone really reads this, but here's a little info.
Let's see... I'm a returning college student, after being out school for damn near ten years.
I currently have six tattoos and 23 piercings.
There are currently four living creatures that I take care of in my immediate family: two cats, a corn snake, and a bamboo plant.
I'll listen to almost any band at least once, to give them a shot. My current favorites are anything by the Reverend Maynard, Mindless Self Indulgence, Gogol Bordello, and if that isn't a diverse enough list, the soundtrack to Repo! The Genetic Opera.
I love to play video games. Lately it's been Rock Band (I & II), Guitar Hero, and the Disgaea series. I have never smoked a cigarette in my life, and I'm very happy to be able to say that.
My favorite non-black color is very dark purple.
Any other questions, just ask, I guess.
Repo! The Genetic Opera is an immensely innovative film that explores a future world where transplant organs are financed for profit. At the center of this movie is GeneCo, a biotech company that not only finances organs, but also uses deadly force to repossess them from clients who fall behind on payments.
A rock opera at its core, Repo is both visually stunning and musically brilliant. Poetic recitatives replace traditional dialog and connect the larger musical numbers. It is worth repeating that the music in this film is fantastic: 24 hours later, I am still humming the songs
The cast of Repo is as talented as it is eclectic. Paul Sorvino is brilliant as the conniving GeneCo president,Rotti Largo, and his vocals are among the best in the film. The inimitable Sarah Brightman is phenomenal in her portrayal of opera singer Blind Mag. Everything from her voice to her appearance is beautiful. Spy-Kid-turned-Broadway-star Alexa Vega shines as 17-year-old Shilo Wallace, our unsuspecting heroine. Anthony Head, who some will remember as Giles from Buffy the Vampire, gives an enormous performance as Shilo's overprotective (albeit well-meaning), father, Nathan Wallace/Repo Man. I love the way Head changes the texture of his voice to illustrate the internal "Jeckle / Hyde" conflict plaguing his character. As Nathan, Head sings with a straight, pure tone but as Repo Man his voice takes on a rough, gravely quality.
Bill Moseley and Kevin "Ogre" Ogilvie portray Rotti Largo's degenerate sons. Moseley plays the temperamental and violent Luigi. Ogilvie, who some might know from the band Skinny Puppy, is amazing as the narcissistic, oversexed, face-stealing Pavi. Everything about his character is hilariously over-the-top. Frankly, I wish I could have seen more of him in this film.
And then there is Paris Hilton, whose performance is one of the more shocking aspect of this film. Simply put, Paris Hilton is actually quite good. Not only do her vocals hold their own in the company of well seasoned performers like Brightman, but her acting is particularly impressive. Hilton appears as Rotti Largo's spoiled, drug addicted, image-obsessed daughter, Amber Sweet. Amber, however, is not a stagnant character. In a scene where Amber's face is horribly disfigured in a botched surgery, Hilton gives us subtle glimpses of Amber's vulnerability, though not in an overt or obvious way. I can't believe I am saying this, but Hilton delivers a nuanced performance, slowly peeling away Amber's layers (literally and figuratively) to ultimately reveal a humanity that made me feel strangely empathetic. I have no doubt that this is a breakthrough performance for Hilton.
Kudos to co-writers/composers Darren Smith and Terrance Zdunich (who, it is worth mentioning, gives one hell of a performance as GraveRobber - a sinister yet heroic drug dealer who functions as a narrator of sorts throughout the film) for creating such a deliciously unique and highly entertaining show, Director Darren Lynn Bousman also deserves praise for delivering a cohesive translation of a stage show to the big screen. Where the plot would have otherwise been lost in translation, Bousman seamlessly incorporates a graphic novel inspired prologue and digitally animated elements to give context to Smith and Zdunich's work.
What impresses me the most about Repo is that over the past day or so I've caught myself thinking more and more about this film. I can't wait to see it again, And again. There is something in this film for everyone, elements that can be enjoyed by a vastly diverse audience. It has all the makings of a cult-classic. Repo! The Genetic Opera is a new breed of rock opera, perhaps a genre all its own. At a time when films seem to be growing less original by the day, Repo! The Genetic Opera is a welcome silver lining.
-Kesselrunner Garrett "Inky Canvas"still kinda blah
- 16 years, 4 months, 1 day ago
The anesthetic state produced does not fit into the convention classification of stages of anesthesia, but instead produces a state of unconsciousness which has been termed "dissociative" anesthesia in that it appears to selectively interrupt association pathways to the brain before producing somesthetic sensory blockage. In contrast to other anesthetics, protective reflexes, such as coughing and swallowing are maintained under anesthesia. Variations in body temperature may occur. Although some salivation is occasionally noted, the persistence of the swallowing reflex aids in minimizing the hazards associated with ptyalism. Single intramuscular injection usually has a wide margin of safety select patience. Fasting prior to induction is not essential; however, when preparing for elective surgery, it is advisable to withhold food for at least six hours prior to administration. Restraint in subhuman primate neonates is difficult to achieve. The recommended restraint dosages for the following are: Papio cynocephalus, Pongo pygmaeus, 5 to 7.5 mg/kg; Aotus trivirgatus 10 to 12 mg/kg, Macaca fascicularis 12 to 15 mg/kg. A single intramuscular injection produces restraint suitable for TB testing; radiography, physical examination or blood collection. To reduce the incidence of emergence reactions, subjects should not be stimulated by sound or handling during the recovery period. Apnea, respiratory arrest, cardiac arrest and death have occasionally been reported when used in conjunction with sedatives or other anesthetics. Close monitoring or patients is strongly advice during induction, maintenance and recovery. Timothy Leary identified a genetic type whose future circuits have begun to be activated and coined them FUTANTS. Futants are naturally selected to facilitate survival by being better adapted to explore the future and take risks through their genetic characteristics. Unless we provide a proper environment of freedom in which this positive genetic type can be recognized, operate in, and the dross be separated from the valuable information, we will be depriving the race of a vital resource. Every time a scientist, philosopher, artist or athlete pushes our thresholds to new ground the entire race evolves. Ritual Magik is a system of disciplines and exercises aimed at activating parts of the mind we might normally never use (about 85%). Through this system a better understanding of ourselves is attained. No true Ritual Magician has ever sacrificed life, drank goat's blood, or taken part in any other stupid urban legend ritual. This sort of behavior is left to the psychotic, dogmatic, fundamentalist believers you see on your T.V. every day letting off bombs and killing people in the name of God. Beliefs are dangerous. Beliefs allow the mind to stop functioning. A non-functioning mind is clinically dead. * Believe in nothing... Garrett "Inky Canvas"still kinda blah
- 16 years, 4 months, 10 days ago
Who left you hanging on that peg all alone You look near mint to me babe and I wanna make you my own I wanna be your captain, my Pon Farr is a-risin’ So step on over here girl, my love is enterprisin'
Let me be your conventional lover Let me show you some conventional love I don't mean to boast, I don't mean to brag (ooh love long and prosper) But I'm a man whose only issues all come in mylar bags
Let me be your conventional lover Let me give you my conventional love I'll give you my heart, I'll treat you nice (ooh love long and prosper) And the games that I play only have twenty-sided dice They're polyhedral!
Let's hit the dealer's room and you something fine That collectors bust of Cthulhu reminds me of how you blow my mind Now let me take you dancing in my best Starfleet dress uniform You'll want to tap my mana once you’ve seen me perform
Let me be your conventional lover Let me show you some conventional love I don't mean to boast, I don't mean to brag (ooh love long and prosper) But I'm a man whose only issues all come in mylar bags
Let me be your conventional lover Let me give you my conventional love I'll give you my heart, I'll treat you nice (ooh love long and prosper) And the games that I play only have twenty-sided dice
And when we get to mating, I'll always treat you kind I'll never bend you too far back or ever crease your spine But there's one thing I won't promise, there's one thing I won't do Can't leave you in the box babe, this collector is coming through
Let me be your conventional lover Let me give you my conventional love I'll give you my heart, I'll treat you fine And I'll make sweet love to you while we're watching Deep Space Nine Garrett "Inky Canvas"still kinda blah
- 16 years, 4 months, 21 days ago
Currently my favorite song. I can't stop listening to it. Just love the guy's singing voice.
Garrett "Inky Canvas"still kinda blah
- 16 years, 4 months, 22 days ago
Ooooh can't wait! November 12, Chicago here I come!
Garrett "Inky Canvas"still kinda blah
- 16 years, 4 months, 22 days ago