Of Cats And Dogs
Feed a dog for three days, and he will remember it for three years.
Feed a cat for three years, and he will forget you in three days.
In that way, a cat is very much like a woman. It's never about the sum
of your gifts, attention, devotion etc... It's always about, "What
have you done for me lately?"
You can't count on the cat to be there whenever you need it. But when
it is there, and when it deems you worthy of it, and when it purrs
appreciatively to your ministrations... There isn't another feeling
like it. For that fleeting moment, your world is anchored. Because for
a time, you know that you have made the world a better place for one
creature. And it is appreciative.
And odds are 1000x better of having an appreciating cat, than you will
an appreciating child, even after 20yrs of raising him/her.
A dog on the other hand is like a bar buddy, in Cheers. He's always at
the same place, at the same time, nursing the same drink, talking
about the same things. A dog always have the same goofy look on it
whether you pet it or kick it. Petting it is not stress relieving, cos
they turn their heads around constantly in an attempt to slobber all
over you.
Bush has a dog.
Clinton has a cat.
Shaggy has a dog.
Calvin has a cat.
Many other great minds own feline companions:
Blofeld, leader of SPECTRE, a multinational billion-dollar
organisation with powerful political clout and cutting edge R&D
Doctor CLAW, another multinational with ambition.
Gargamel, sorceror of renown.
Norman Chuo "Squirrel~*" Crazy
- 16 years, 8 months, 21 days ago