About me:
I am a carbon-based life-form. I have two legs, which I use to walk around bi-pedal fashion all over the place, when I’m not being lazy and using something I’ve built. I have two upper appendages as well, with ten digits, plus opposable thumbs! – uhh, that’s eight digits, plus two thumbs for a total of ten, not twelve. I am largely omnivorous, heck, I’ll eat just about anything you put in front of me. I have the ability to digest almost anything… except rocks, I can’t digest rocks… and they taste bad. I am covered by a very soft and quite easily broken skin, and coupled with my extremely low pain threshold, I must interact very carefully with the world around me. I have very short, and quite honestly, pretty pointless, hairs, though ironically I have more hair follicles than almost any other mammal, relative to size of course. I have something else that’s pointless… an organ… the appendix!! Yea, good ole appendix, got me one of those still. My hair is so short and my skin so thin I am required to wear clothes just to survive the elements, and that’s also living inside constructed dwellings. I breathe in oxygen, and if I recall those school days at all, I bet I breathe out carbon dioxide, which is what all the plantage uses. Handy how that works, GO RAINFORESTS! My brain is considered more capable in the ‘higher’ activities and is generally considered more ‘intelligent’ than any other species on the planet. This is, of course, the human’s point of view, as well… I haven’t asked the grasshopper what he thinks yet. I seem to be stuck in a cultural box, where for all the immense number of individual personalities there are out there, our society seems to see fit to squeeze everyone down until they’re exactly… like… everyone… else… Me? I laugh when it’s expected of me. I act sad when I think the situation warrants it, but mostly, I’m just trying to figure out how people feel these things at all… oh yeah, I like cookies :D
About you:
You have adopted the same form as I have. You can put on both of your shoes all by yourself, if you need help tying them, that can be a point of discussion. Any other shoe-related problems may result in immediate exclusion. You can speak at least one language at a moderate level or better. English is preferred, and bonus points if you know how to write in that language as well :D If your chosen language is unwritable, part (b) does not apply (lucky bastards!). You have rudimentary understandings of human interaction, and can pull off most basic conversations without too much disaster. You have mastered walking and chewing gum at the same time, ostensibly we can assume you can talk and walk at the same time, or walk and count change. (Being able to talk during a football game is not necessary) You can boil water and burn wood. You can do shots and kill demons. You shine when everything else begins to grow dim...