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You have been given i got it babe.
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muRRaTTi Naughty - 17 years, 1 month, 9 days ago
heya chick, thanks for the comment, you should put a pic of yours up :-)
Unknown "Rebel Diamond" Curious - 17 years, 1 month, 26 days ago
Thank you kelly for buying my spiritual orgasm. so here it is . nest time you are with your lover, surround your room with bright coloured candles and lite them. Create a relaxing ambience preferably with some indian hippie music. lay your lover on the ned and ask him or her to relax until a state of complete ease and most of all trust. talk softly at all times. when your lover is at that state , sit him forward and lay a flower on his lingum and honor him. then reamain ina position of honor until totally relaxed. at no time must you or your lover laugh or break the ambience.( i forgot to mention to burn some sweet smelling insense). lay your lover down and relax him. then you must massage his chakras ,remember you must never make contact with his body when you are massaging him. think as if you are caressing an energy that is around him. the 1st chakra is above his face then the next is above his chest tyhen work your way down to a place just below his stomach , continue this til eventually you push all his bad energy our of his bottom chakra, he may become emotional. when you are ready to make love, hold your position while you are inside you and hold an open mouthed kiss so your energies can make full circuit of both your bodies, this will heighten your arousals until you ORGASM. This can only be done with someone who you completely TRUST. they may not know how to honour you but it should still work. hippie shit i know but i can assure you it works and its true. if you are sceptical please research on the internet and practice for i can tell you, you will never look back .TANTRIC SEX IS the best.
Unknown "Cheekys Champ" Loyal - 17 years, 1 month, 28 days ago
Just Mak
hey naughty:D thanks for bidding..i thumbed your one commnt and petted you..cheers:)
Just Mak "My Mak Attack" - 17 years, 1 month, 28 days ago
Many thanks for being my new owner
You have been given flowers.
Unknown "nikky tres pet" Purring - 17 years, 1 month, 29 days ago
im gonna try not to behave....;)
Unknown "Mine" Playful - 17 years, 1 month, 29 days ago
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