- 16 years, 3 months, 4 days ago
I decided to buy you as you requested, you are my youngest pet so I guess that makes you special in a funny way.
I will be 26 year old later this month and that makes me nearly ten years older than you, the wisdom of my years over yours leaves me wanting to offer you some life advice.
Here goes, things are rarely as bad as you think they although sometimes worse, stay optimistic always and friends are very important, you can never have too many friends. Experience lots of different things, foods that you don't like do have good qualities you just need to accept them, so be healthy. Regular exercise will reward you in so many ways, I'd reccomend keeping fit and don't drink too much either, alcohol can be really bad as can illicit substances.
That is all I can give you at this precise monent.
Have a wonderful life if I don't talk to you again after this.
Your new owner
- 16 years, 3 months, 4 days ago