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"crazy jay"

Unknown, 36/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:11:44 AM
Join date:17 years, 2 months, 29 days ago
Location: versailles, KY United States

"Hazy Shade of Winter "
About me:
i like to hang out with friends and see movies and then argue about them after or just make fun of them. i spend most of my alone time just sitting and thinking about life and existence (as long as there is nothing on tv). i have a huge amount of seeming useless knowledge that somehow comes into use at random times. i'm a huge nerd (watch scifi, good at math, and have been known to play DND) but i workout and love to watch football and college basketball.
About you:
i can get along with almost anyone who's not an idiot
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Straight
"awesome toilet "
103971 pts
"rope burn"
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Unknown's tales
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The Fountain

it's been a while since my last review and i have seen more movies since then but i just watched the fountain and it's fresh in my mind.

this movie was someone's baby. there was a lot of time and thought put into each shot. nearly every scene showed that it was planned to be meaningful. that may sound like a compliment but when every moment of the movie is beautiful then your senses are dulled and they lose their meaning. it seemed showy and masturbatory.
over all the movie was very british. the acting is amazing and the story has no filler. one question i have is what the hell was the man in the bubble with the tree in space? i understood it's purpose in the movie but not what it was.
Unknown "crazy jay" Carefree - 16 years, 10 months, 1 day ago
No Country for Old Men

i don't really know how to describe this movie. this guy finds some money around the site of a shootout in the middle of the dessert. he takes it and a crazed killer tries to hunt him down for the money, killing everyone in his way.

i think that i'm one of the last of my friends to see this movie and hearing them talk about it built it up a little to much for me. i think that it's amazing and i was even late for dinner because i wanted to see the end, which never came. that's my one complaint. some movies can have a not ending climax, Broken Flowers, but when the whole movie seems to build towards an exiting and bloody ending it's a little disappointing. to quote Kevin Smith "it's like a really good blow job but at the last second she takes it out of her mouth and jacks it off on your belly".
I give it a solid "4 out of 5"
Unknown "crazy jay" Carefree - 16 years, 11 months, 23 days ago
Stargate: The Arc of Truth

please allow me to geek out for just a moment. I love Stargate SG1, probably more than i love Battlestar Galactica. this is the end to the Ori story line. are the Ori actually dead, how can SG1 defeat the superior Ori forces and Priors, and what happened to Vala's husband are all answered. SG1 is looking for the arc of truth (a big box that convinces those who look at it of the truth, like reverse brain washing). they have to travel to the Ori home galaxy, fight Priors, the IOA, and FUCKING REPLICATORS!!!!

this was the end to the series that the fans wanted in the last episode. everything but Ba'ls story line was tied up (that's in the next movie). there were a few hokey, "no fucking way" moments that made me think that the writers were couldn't think of a reasonable way out of the problem but that's expected with SG1. the only real complaint is that Jack Oneal wasn't in it. Richard Dean Anderson is the reason the series lasted as long as it did. he's supposed to be in the next movie but it would have been nice to see him play a part in this one. he could have been the IOA representative on the Odyssey along with the douche who let the replicators out. it would of been a huge nerdgasm if he was the one to defeat the replicators again and then the Ori on his first outing.
Unknown "crazy jay" Carefree - 16 years, 11 months, 23 days ago
three... extremes

this movie is made up of 3 asian short films; Dumplings, Cut, and Box.

this movie had a lot of hype behind it. it was supposedly shocking and "fucked up" but i thought it was boring. the stoy was about a woman who wanted be be more youthful and re-win the love of her husband. to do this she finds a woman who makes "magic dumplings". the story is as lame as it sounds. the big surprise (spoiler: the dumplings are made from baby) was obvious. the saving grace of this movie was the visuals. it was beautiful. ever shot looks as though it was given its own attention. i don't think that a home abortion has look so stunning.
it gets a high "3 out of 5"

this should have been a full feature. cut is about a gifted director that is taken hostage and forced to watch as a crazed extra cuts his wifes fingers off until he proves that he's not a good person by killing a young girl. the story really convoluted but makes sense as you watch it. the visuals aren't as amazing as Dumplings but still some of the best i've seen. there's a shot where the director is sitting on the floor and if you watch closely you can see blood run down from his nose, down and around his chin and down his neck. it was stunning.
"4 out of 5"

it had me until the end. the last short was about a woman who has the same night mare about being barred alive in a box. she's also followed by her dead sister. as it continues, her troubled past is revealed. the story is suspenseful, it looks nice, blah, blah blah. the end ruins it. it shows that what you just spent 45 minutes emotionally involved in didn't actually matter.
"3 out of 5"
Unknown "crazy jay" Carefree - 16 years, 11 months, 27 days ago
Battlestar Galactica: Razor

i'm going to admit to my bias right now. Battlestar Galactica is the second best television show on right now and the 3rd of all time. any story line they have, i love.

now that that's out of the way, this movie was amazing (big surprise right?). it explains some of the back story of the Battlestar Pegasus and what happened right after Lee Adama was given control over it.

now when i said that it was amazing, i meant the Pegasus's back story part. it humanized and explained the crazy bitch admiral. the part that took place in their present wasn't as interesting. their big mission lacked the excitement. that the show has. the only exciting part was when the scilon god reviled that starbuck was going to lead the humans to their death. but i hate that because starbuck is my favorite character. i quit watching the show when she died (i caught back up when i heard that she comes back in the season finally). the only purpose of the movie was to set and raise questions about this next and, supposedly final, season. in that it was successful but i and anyone who would watch this movie is already clearing out their Fridays in anticipation.

it gets a "it should have been in episodes out of 5"

Unknown "crazy jay" Carefree - 16 years, 11 months, 27 days ago
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How's school?
Unknown "rope burn" Naughty - 16 years, 6 months, 11 days ago
lol well my number is 405-570-9941 or if you wanna say hi on aim just IM me and it should forward to my phone!
Unknown "rope burn" Naughty - 16 years, 6 months, 23 days ago
bah! im way special!! and way specialer than you! (yes i know thats not a word! so dont even go there!!!)
your just too stupid to know it!

Unknown "awesome toilet " Sparkling - 16 years, 7 months ago
eh... you know, im not sure youre that special!!
You have been given BOO! .
Crafted by Vampire Bitch
Unknown "awesome toilet " Sparkling - 16 years, 7 months, 1 day ago
I've been outta town. Name a time and I'll try to be on lol. You should just get texting and then you could talk to me whenever you wanted =]
Unknown "rope burn" Naughty - 16 years, 7 months, 3 days ago
lol how very shallow... What's new with you?
Unknown "rope burn" Naughty - 16 years, 7 months, 9 days ago
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