Has anyone ever had a crazier night than I did for New Year's this year? Probably not, but we'll see....First off one of my firends comes over fucks me, then later more firend come over and I get a threesome with this girl and totally made the guy jealous, got a cigarette burn real bad, got really drunk first of course, danced for hours naked with this girl while making out and other stuff, did Tits for Toppers for ten bucks off, had to get someone out of a ditch, couldn't find a bar where the hottest guy needed me to pick him up from, so when I did finally find the bar, he had already been kicked out, and unfortunately I didn't have a cell phone with me, so I had to go all the way back home, call his cell, then found him twenty mins later drunk off his ass, on the way home we witnessed a burglery and the cops almost hit my car by like a foot seriously and grebbed those sons of bitches(teenagers stealing beer from a gst station) lol, then get home and got fucked some more in the shower, then finally the rest of the night with the hottest guy ever, so many people are jealous, but right now I don't care, he is my guy nobody else's! haha
Unknown "Deviant"
- 17 years, 2 months, 5 days ago