Just a few weeks back i was meant to go pick up some guys from the prom around midnight,around five in the afternoon i decided to go get some beers before i pushed to the prom, at this point i didnt have transport and had to use my fathers car. When the time struck 11 at night i decided to go get the car and as drunk as i was i decided to push out the yard rather then ask for it, unfortunately those living next door saw the car being pushed out and thought that someone was trying to permanently deprive my parents of their car. The lady next door decides to call my oldman and tunes the car had just been pushed out. Upon arrival at the hotel where the prom had been i played my music outloud and started stunting a bit (this hotel is one of the most exclusive around) which led to me being kicked out from the premises. Came back later and did the same thing i was kicked out for doing just before stopping by the entrance, upon stopping by the entrance, as soon as i stopped the manager reached into the car and removed the key from the ignition just before calling the cops. when the cops came thru they tuned me the car had been reported stolen and told jump in the police van with everyone at the prom looking on, shit happened the after with my parents amazed to find the car with me as sloshed as i was, i was charged with drinking and driving, reckless driving and trespassing
Unknown "Botswana Jenamo"
- 17 years, 3 months, 18 days ago