wats up every body plz leave a comment and lets have a conversation thanx!
well everyone im actually a fighter well ima show my first fight i took the fight with only 1 month prior experience and i wasnt really nervous just because i knew that that was that guy it was his first fight as well so it would be about even well it turns out that the wieght classes were all screwed up so i had to go with someone that wieght more so i went with it anyway and i went in there with my game plan and listening to my coaches yelling i went in for the takedown and was in a half guard situation and i tried to arm-bar him but i almost slipped off lol so i went for really hard hits i hit him about 11 times one of those hit broke his nose and blood went all over his face and th ref pushed me back and i won by TKO from strikes
Unknown"~`~My Fighter~`~"Hungry
- 17 years, 1 month, 10 days ago
Good, thx. Only stopping in occasionally and noticed u were in need of an owner. :) How's things with you? Any new fights?
"Manx of spanx"Adventurous
- 16 years, 9 months ago
hey hun... I have to say goodbye... I wont be coming into hp anymore... I have alot going on need to get away fom here... I didnt want to put ur value backto 50 so am giving u to urself. U can choose who u would like to own u. I might be back, not really sure?? Take care and I wish u all the best, ur a great guy... Good luck with all ur fights... xx
"My little Rae"Playful
- 16 years, 9 months, 23 days ago
Hey haven't talked to you in ages. Hope you are well :)
- 16 years, 9 months, 26 days ago