Andrew Carnegie is the most humblest of men that I've known in history... The point of his quote is that compromise isn't really a middle ground anywhere. Somewhere, someone loses.
I do, however, agree with your strength comment... but the vital male parts is necessary, since I was conned once to believe that a man was a man... When he was really a she... Not my cu of tea, if you know what I mean. ;)
Rabies is kinda fun. Have you read Palahniuk's book Rant?
- 16 years, 9 months, 11 days ago
In response to your summary: I'm a pretty basic kind of dude, and Andrew Carnegie had very few friends that weren't after his money. He wasn't exactly an amicable fellow. I think its possible that strength means being able to give what you can, without being fearful of losing what you have. Basically (pH again!) I believe strength is being able to look at yourself including the ugly bits (like a man's vitals:P or the blemishes in his heart--he didn't put them there, but only he can heal them) without turning away.
- 16 years, 9 months, 11 days ago
Anytime. ;)
You were taken on a trip! You have been taken for a drive.