Me? I like the United States Armed Forces, every rank, every branch; the US Military kicks ass! So, when I hear, on the news, about how many soldiers' dies on a particular day, I get a bit perturbed. So, what I have done is I've created a foolproof plan to completely eliminate any possible soldier fatalities!
Instead of using the finest America has to offer, why not use the worst? Why not take every rapist, murderer, child molester, and gang member out of prison and place those fuckers on the front lines! Seriously, think about it!! Not only do you get to weed out some of the worst that society has to offer, and stop prison overcrowding, you also get to save the lives of numerous US soldiers by using these osbound losers as front line fighters!
And, just to keep these fuckers in check, and give them added incentive to sign up, you do two simple things:
One: Each person who does a 5-year tour of duty in a heavy combat zone, doesn't have to go back to prison, and get set up with a real job upon their return.
Second: To keep these clowns from bolting as soon as they hit the ground, you attach an explosive neck brace on each prisoner that is controlled by remote by a fugitive soldier wrangler! Anytime someone gets out of line, they can be shocked into submission, or, if they flee, they get their head blown off!
"Oh, but Jess, these prisoners are people too and should they be treated so harshly?"
. . . . . .
Are you defending child molesters!? Are you seriously going to sit there and tell me that you're more concerned over the welfare of a bunch of serial rapists and murderers rather than the troops in our armed forces? . . . .You can't be serious…YOU CANT!! Think about it: wouldn't be nice to turn on the TV, and instead of hearing about how some poor soldier got killed and left behind three kids, wouldn't you rather hear about "how 15 child molesters, 32 murderers, 28 serial rapists, and 47 gang members were killed in what is considered the bloodiest day in the war on terror!"?
I would!
So, to all countries with active militaries, forget that "Human Rights for Pedophiles" bullshit and toss these fuckers on the front lines! You'll be saving the lives of our troops, cleaning out some of the overcrowded prisons, and I guarantee, as an extra-added bonus, these new rules will deter future criminals from committing similar crimes and greatly reduce these types of crimes within society!
I should've been president y'know, instead of Hillary Clinton, or any other candidate running for the position; President!!
- 17 years, 2 months, 24 days ago