"MY Cherished ONE"Playful
- 17 years, 22 days ago
HOORAY FOR THUMB LOVE!!! I'm sorry you are not feeling loved enough! ILUTOO!!!!!!!!
I luvses my valentine flower that you sent me! The one I sent to myself was supposed to be for you but I did it wrong. I forgot you had to go to a person's page to give it to them and not send it from your own :P
"MY Cherished ONE"Playful
- 17 years, 23 days ago
AWWW Why are you feeling neglected?!?!!?
"MY Cherished ONE"Playful
- 17 years, 24 days ago
you stoled her:O
"Silly Boy Pet!"Naughty
- 17 years, 1 month, 17 days ago