once apon a time, there lived a very pretty girl. With the most magnificant blonde hair, and sparkeling blue eyes. She lived in the most beautiful mason in the world, and there she lived very happy. She played all day long, never a care in the world. She would run through the winding corridors, past the old tapestries, skip through her gardens, and day dream by her trickling stream. She lived this way for many years, or what had seamed like many years to her. On her seventeenth birthday, ohhh what a horrable day. She was froced out of her nervana, and out in to the streets. She pleeded to know why she was so abruptly being kicked out. Her old governess, once sweet, and caring; jabed a snarld finger in to the poor girls face, the most crulest, rude thing, seeped out of the old hags slit of a grin. "Why my poor girl, you are no longer pretty and no longer posess that once spectacular beauty, but now you are ugly, and boring. We have no use for such a homely girl." As these words fell off the governesses toung, the poor girl, once feeling no worries, once praised for her beauty, wept. She was left in the street, of a town so strange, with no hope, and the feeling of being empty in side.
Unknown "Col. Rainbow" Sparkling
- 17 years, 2 months, 4 days ago