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Joe Kristiansen | - Free online hangout and friends
Claire Kristiansen
Claire Kristiansen owns this human at 14581 points.


Joe Kristiansen
"Time Traveller "

Joe Kristiansen, 58/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:9:21 AM
Join date:17 years, 3 months, 11 days ago
Location: Ottawa, Ontario Canada

"Full throttle usually works!"
About me:
MY PETS LIKE ME, I LIKE THEM. PLEASE ASK BEFORE YOU TAKE ONE. If they agree then fine. Please folks play nice now.
Want to meet people that see the glass is half full. Lord I was born a rambling man, just trying to make a living and doing the best I can. So when it come to leaving I hope you'll understand, that I was born a rambling man.
Cheers all
About you:
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Straight
Herds (lead): Player's Club Vegas Rules
Herds: Fairy Thumbs, The J-Licious Jungle, Studio 54, ~* Ami P. Fan Club *~
Iliana Todorova
Iliana Todorova
"El Diablo"
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Joe's tales
Joe Kristiansen
Hello all

This is my last tale, I am leaving HP as I simply don`t have the time at this point and I don`t want to neglect my pets any more than I have. So in the immortal words of our swimming friends,,,

So long and thanks for all the fish.
Joe Kristiansen "Time Traveller " Adored - 16 years, 11 months, 25 days ago
Joe Kristiansen
Today’s Tale is about life. Now this is my own ideas here folks. If you disagree, fine. I am not saying that this is correct or absolute. I have had some time to develop this and it basically tells the tale of what I am looking for.

So imagine, if you will, that your life, in fact all of our lives are a landscape. My life is full of mountains, valleys, riverbeds, beaches, rolling hills, prairies,,, you get the picture. So I am in this landscape, alone at the moment, which means that I decide what direction my life will take. Do I climb a mountain? Walk by the sea? Stroll alongside a brook? The point I am trying to make is that it is my decision alone that determines what obstacles I face. No matter what the path I have to break trail and decide with each step if the destination is worth the effort.

So what does all of this say? Well if I am alone in this landscape I would like to have someone to move through it with me. This is where it gets interesting. See this person cannot lead me, if they do then they decide the direction my life takes. If I get tired, well they move away from me, if they get tired, I cannot move on as they block me.

I also cannot be the one that leads them, and for the same reasons. I should not decide their path, move ahead or slow them down.

So what does that leave us? I want a person that can walk beside me. They have to be strong enough to break their own trail while I break mine. We decide on the destination together, and move towards it. If I get tired, I can lean on them. If they get tired they can lean on me. We do not block the other or move on ahead as we are holding hands, so our pace is matched. We are holding hands, not because of some threat, legal edict or paper, but rather because we want to. It is a choice.

So, there it is, my deep inner me philosophical moment! LOL I think ultimately, married or single, we are all looking for those partners in life. Someone to share the view with when you are at life’s peaks, someone to cuddle with when you are in a low cold place. Lastly and I think most importantly, someone that we can from time to time, turn around and look back. See the path our lives have taken and laugh and cry at the shared experiences that have been the journey together.

The destination changes, over one peak lies another. The true joy lies in the journey and the friends we have to accompany us.

Cheers Pets!

Joe Kristiansen Joe Kristiansen Joe Kristiansen
Joe Kristiansen "Time Traveller " Adored - 17 years, 3 months, 3 days ago

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It's been ages!!!
Have a happy hump day!...;-)
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Cause two minutes in heaven is better than one minute in heaven!

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