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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds (lead): Handcuffed and Waiting
Herds: 300, Corsets, Burlesques, and Pinups!
"El's Man Whore!"
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Unknown's tales
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ʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍ ʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍʍoǝW ¡¡ʇuǝɯʇıɔxǝ uı uʍop ǝpısdn ƃuıdʎʇ ɯı ʎddɐɥ os ɯı
Unknown "Catwoman" Playful - 17 years ago
So im feeling low again and as always nothing ever seems to turn out right.
Im just lost and alone again. Sometimes working things out on my own helps me but right now i just feel that i cant do this on my own anymore.
I just wanna be held close and not be asked to explain why im feeling like this. I want to cry and not be asked why. Just be held close without being asked why.
I feel my heart cant get broken anymore. I think ive been through most things that god can throw at me. What else can possibly go wrong?
I sometimes wonder if im being punished. It just seems to keep happening to me over and over again. I really dont get why its always me.
I need to go back to being me. The one in the background the one who doesnt show feelings or emotions. The ice maiden.
Unknown "Catwoman" Playful - 17 years, 5 days ago
Okay its 3.23 am and still not sleeping.
Although tonight i went out for some drinks wth friends.
Thought perhaps a few drinks might sort of help me sleep but so far im still feeling wide awake.
Maybe i really am a Catwoman in the making. Cats stay up all nite dont they?
Wanna go have a shower but think that perhaps that will keep me awake even more.
Okies just rambling now for the sake of rambling cause im at a loss as to what to do to pass the time.
Lol Hmmmmmmmm perhaps another drink or 2 are in order.
Oh man i got work tomorrow 2 :( Lets hope its soooooooo busy that it tires me out big time.
Bored sooooooooo very bored!! Where are my friends when i need em? huh!! They all fast asleep in bed!! Wonder if i should text them and wake them so im not the only saddo awake at this stupid o'clock hour!
Unknown "Catwoman" Playful - 17 years, 7 days ago
It is 6.10 am and i have had another sleepless nite :(
Really starting 2 piss me off big time.
I have had about 2 hours sleep max! Any suggestions on how i can make my brain stop thinking?
Everytme i drift off into a dream induced state i wake up thinking all these things.
Stupid thoughts about wether i locked my door or switched off the stereo!
When will this torture end...................i cant take much more.

Unknown "Catwoman" Playful - 17 years, 8 days ago

Take off my clothes, please strip me bare
Take control and please don’t handle with care
I don’t want to make love no, not tonight
And I want to see it all so don’t turn off the light
Make it hard and fast, leaving me no room to breathe
Still harder and faster with no chance of reprieve
Let me buck and grind as you take me deep
Making me scream your name waking those who try to sleep
For them I really have no concern
Just bring me to the point of no return
Make me feel it when you empty yourself into me
Yes tonight this is how I want it to be
Unknown "Catwoman" Playful - 17 years, 8 days ago
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Mark Scott
you've been thumbed :)
Mark Scott "sams hottie " is deleting human pets - 16 years, 12 months ago
why are u still here pretending that these pictures are u??
Unknown "mark" Playful - 16 years, 12 months, 4 days ago
I saw this and thought of you straight away. xox
You have been given my sexy bum.
Crafted by
Unknown "♥Cheddar" Loyal - 16 years, 12 months, 4 days ago

You have been given Gentle tender kisses.
Crafted by
Unknown "♥Cheddar" Loyal - 16 years, 12 months, 4 days ago
and will be doin all these thing with u, very, dam rhyming!! xxxxxxxx
You have been given breakfast in bed.
Crafted by
Unknown "mark" Playful - 17 years, 1 day ago
from his trip. xx
You have been given A Perfect Moment.
Crafted by
Unknown "mark" Playful - 17 years, 1 day ago
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Unknown's shop

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Mmm tasty Kiss
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200 pts
Mmm tasty Kiss
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I want 2 feel your touch
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200 pts
I want 2 feel your touch
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Bodies Touching Together
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Bodies Touching Together
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Horny 4r You
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300 pts
Horny 4r You
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You have been Naughty!
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200 pts
You have been Naughty!
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I give you my heart
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200 pts
I give you my heart
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Tied and waiting
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200 pts
Tied and waiting
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Scream it Baby
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200 pts
Scream it Baby
Bought by 13 people
Gentle tender kisses
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200 pts
Gentle tender kisses
Bought by 29 people
U could do a body good
1 use

200 pts
U could do a body good
Bought by 12 people
So Hot
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200 pts
So Hot
Bought by 4 people
My Lips are Wet for you
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300 pts
My Lips are Wet for you
Bought by 25 people
Wanna Blow Job?
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200 pts
Wanna Blow Job?
Bought by 19 people
Rock on Stickman
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200 pts
Rock on Stickman
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I want to examine you
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200 pts
I want to examine you
Bought by 22 people
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