what a night!!!!! I was "driving" around Salonica and guess what...... police stopped me for alcohol test! OK..... I had drunk two Cuba Libre and after two tests they left me to go! I was "clean" :P after 5 mins another "block" stopped me and searched my car for drugs...... asked me stupid questions..... bla bla bla..... wtffffffff that's why they never catch the bad guys.... if they search my car and ppl like me they won't succeed to find anything ever :P
Unknown "Pegasus" Intrigued
- 17 years, 18 days ago
what do you think "2" or "next" mean????? Ok I see that your IQ is ...... errrr sorry no brain no IQ!!!!! there is a second pg with tales..... just point "2" or "next" with your mouse and click it, so simple!!!!! aaaaaaa and then thumb them!
Unknown "Pegasus" Intrigued
- 17 years, 1 month, 29 days ago
Time for a true story....... two days after Xmas I came here to check for my pressies! like a little child went to the fireplace to check the Xmas socks...... and what I found??? stupid pressies...... I was so disappointed that wanted to commit suicide!!!!!! I think that Santa is a bugger or that you are stupid without imagination!!! Did I give you a hug or a bone? a duck or a donut??? wtffffff, I spent thousands of pts and many hours to buy pressies and what I took??? omfg I have a headache..... THE END!!!!!!!!!!!
Unknown "Pegasus" Intrigued
- 17 years, 2 months, 13 days ago
omg....... an insect on your screen!!!! wtfffffff
Unknown "Pegasus" Intrigued
- 17 years, 2 months, 14 days ago
Hey babes and boys... lol! I'm online for few mins and want to wish you Merry Xmas (tho it's 2 days after) and a happy New Year!!!! thanks for the pressies and for the msgs you've sent to me!!! love you all! Have no time to answer but I'll do it next year (i.e in few days)... lmao! kisses... love ya (esp. to the V and Z of my life) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Unknown "Pegasus" Intrigued
- 17 years, 2 months, 21 days ago