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"Genod Drwg"

Unknown, 53/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:5:18 AM
Join date:17 years, 2 months, 21 days ago
Location: Town Called Malice Australia

"Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?"
About me:
I'm the root of all that's evil, yeah but you can call me cookie.
About you:
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds (lead): WGGT (We Give Good Thumb)
Herds: I <3 Kitty's, GOTH and METAL HEADS, pinkkis spamhole, Super-Sweet Shops Herd, bugger, The Arr-goose Catalogue, Save DJ Jazzy Barry Randall, House of Hair, The Redhead, Duchess' Domain, Human Pets Success Stories

"Moller Rice"
126204 pts
34729 pts
"Batgirl Vanian"
17000 pts
6666 pts
110 pts
Unknown's tales
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Good grief what a sh*t couple of weeks.

7 years today since the great love of my life, and singer from my all time favourite band ever, died. A year since Fred Chichin died. And WHAT THE F***? Bettie Page is gone.

Anyway, like Our Pinkkus, I have been basically living at work and don't get to drop by that much anymore, but just wanted to mark the seven year passing of My Stuart with a comment. "You never should have gone".

Stay alive,

Dee x

Unknown "Genod Drwg" Loyal - 16 years, 3 months, 17 days ago

The RSPCA today launches a nationwide hunt for a youth shown beating a kangaroo unconscious in an online video.

This sickening video was sent to the RSPCA in Western Australia and shows the youth using kickboxing-style attacks on the kangaroo as his friend laughs while filming. In one scene the man pulls the kangaroo towards him and uses his knee to deliver a blow to the animal’s chest.

The youth swings his punches into the animal’s face with great force as the animal struggles to remain standing. The final punch knocks the kangaroo to the ground where it appears to lay unconscious. It is unclear whether the attack resulted in the death of the animal.

Steve McLeod, a native wildlife expert, believes the animal was injured prior to being attacked: “The kangaroo is very disoriented. It is very unusual for a kangaroo to fight like that as they invariably flee. I would hazard a guess that it has been knocked over by the car and injured. Certainly it has been stunned in some way.”

The RSPCA across Australia has joined forces to launch a nationwide appeal to catch the cowards who shot this appalling footage.

“We are appealing to every media outlet in Australia to help us track down the cowards behind the vicious attack on this kangaroo,” said Richard Barry, spokesman for the RSPCA in WA.

“Thankfully this sickening footage has now been removed from the website where it was first seen. The next stage is to ensure that those responsible for this film are brought to justice.

“Only a coward would attack an injured and obviously terrified young animal much smaller than himself. We want these cowards to be caught, charged and prosecuted.

“We are appealing to every media outlet in Australia to help us track down the culprits and we have also posted a photo of the youth at

The RSPCA also welcomes the support of the Western Australia Police in finding the perpetrators of this senseless attack.

“The RSPCA is sending a clear message that this behaviour is not only unacceptable, it is against the law.

“People might think posting videos on the internet provides them some anonymity but the RSPCA is here to tell those people that when it comes to animal cruelty, we have zero tolerance and we will use every resource to track you down.”

If you know the identity of the youth in the video, contact your local RSPCA.

In WA the number to call is (08) 9209 9300

In Queensland call 1300 852 188

In NSW call (02) 9770 7555

In ACT call (02) 6287 8100

In SA call (03) 8231 6931

In Tasmania (03) 6332 8200

In Victoria (03) 9224 2222 or email

Information will be treated as confidential.
Unknown "Genod Drwg" Loyal - 16 years, 6 months, 23 days ago

Well, I'm back in Oz FROM NY at any rate. Yes, the month of August has become a memory. I am loading photos from my 3 weeks in NY and week in Tahiti to facecrack as I type so be sure to take a look. Highlight? TIMES SQUARE HELLO KITTY SHOP!
Unknown "Genod Drwg" Loyal - 16 years, 7 months, 2 days ago

Unknown "Genod Drwg" Loyal - 16 years, 8 months, 7 days ago
Monday I'll have Friday on my mind...

Still hellishly (but not in a good way) ill with infected sinuses (CT scan results should be in tomorrow), so I haven't been assed to start packing, but I'm flying out to where the streets have no name for a few weeks on Friday.

Stopping over in Tahiti on the way home so hopefully will get to snorkel with some reef sharks. What the hell else is there to do there for someone who hates the sun? I am taking 3 books which should last me the flights and the 6 days in skin cancer heaven: Black Celebration (Depeche Mode biography), Notorious (Duran Duran bio), and Eric Burdon's autobiography. Maybe I can sing (bubble?) a medly to the marine life of Enjoy The Silence vs Planet Earth vs House Of The Rising Sun?

*Sigh* Please keep in mind that I am missing Devo (I'll be almost landing in NYC when they hit the stage in Sydney), and Paul Weller. Getting sick on top of that just makes me think MEH MEH F-ING MEH to the entire outing. My only saving grace is the thought that I MIGHT (oh I'll be trying my hardest to do it, but with everything else being sabotaged so far, I'm not getting my hopes up) get some pix at the Chelsea Hotel. It's been a bit of a childhood dream to go there, so I don't think a short cab ride and ten minutes tops outside is much to f***ing ask. With any luck, I will get to go up to Room 100 and maybe roll around on the carpet or something. That is the only thing I really want to do. There isn't even anyone there to stalk. Sad really.

Anyway, Lisa is going to Norway for a cocktail party... and so many more of you are doing wonderful things in wonderful places for only a third of the cost right now, which makes me dead jealous (f-ing Oslo: are you kidding me? There is no competition). Maybe one day soon I'll get to Norway, Finland, Wales and Ireland, but not f-ing this year. My laundry isn't even painted for f*** sake. All I ask is that you wish me luck that my sinus cavities don't explode at 30,000ft.

Don't know how often I can check MySpaz and facecrack, as it still costs me a fecking fortune to use the 'net on my iPhone til August 8. But If I get to check anything ever, it will be my Human Pets account.

I have global roaming on my phone, so you can still all txt me, but if you call me, IIIIIII actually pay for the call charge so don't be f-ing bastards.

I'm going to miss my kittehs :( :( :(

I'm going to miss Devo and Paul Weller (literally) :(

I'm going to miss....

Na, that's it.



PS Thanks for the offers but I already have someone house sitting whilst I am away ^^

PPS: 'Nae, if you are reading this, we are definitely going to immigration tomorrow so I will txt you when I am on the way home: still hope to come to your place in the pm but I also need to get to the docs late afternoon if my results are back. Dad says I'm crazy for going out in the cold in my condition so close to leaving, but wtf can I do with so much b-shit left to organise? :( I'm thinking eats and maybe a viewing of DNEVNOI DOZOR at your place would be EXACTLY what I need right now :) Eneez, will keep you posted. And BEE: same applies for Tuesday - will keep you posted Kiperoonee.
Unknown "Genod Drwg" Loyal - 16 years, 8 months, 9 days ago
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Hello laydee D hows life in Oz?? I need a small financial miracle to happen this summer for me to travel! Here's hoping it works out ! So hows the nose cavaties?? Hope all is peachy! xxx
Sarah Content - 16 years, 17 days ago
btw haha, laughed my pants off reading your hello kitty -story!! hehee
Pinkki "grumbleass" Intrigued - 16 years, 2 months, 15 days ago
ohh, were all so absent it's not even funnayh :( hope your -09 is starting lovely!
You have been given Hello sweetie darling!.
Crafted by Foxy King David
Pinkki "grumbleass" Intrigued - 16 years, 2 months, 15 days ago
I see you!
You have been given ah ... drama.
Crafted by Lucky Lucy
Lee Peppy - 16 years, 2 months, 24 days ago
He he silly D! .....Here's a belated prezzy! x
You have been given a Christmas visit from the Joker.
Crafted by Unknown
Sarah Content - 16 years, 2 months, 27 days ago
It is, Lee said your pic was never missing for him, strange... x
Linda Gargamadua - 16 years, 3 months, 2 days ago
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Unknown's shop

It's all good stuff Reenie, it's all good stuff.

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