Oh God I feel so shitty today, I think this officially registers as the World's worst hangovers, go check your Guiness Book of Records, it's there I swear, my friend told me the other day that I get like this because I mix my drinks, I thought 'are you fucking crazy man, I never mix my drinks, they're always alcohol' I always make sure after a night out that my girlfriend drinks lots of water before going to bed to help cure her hangover, me?? nothing, absolutely fuck all, I think the term practice what you preach is more than appropriate here. Dammit, the only positive is that I'm being paid to work today, HAA HAA
Unknown "Stevie Wonder" Hungry
- 16 years, 10 months, 27 days ago
Right, lets settle this, Sambucca is not your friend, never was, never will be, oh sure she'll smile at you, maybe even throw a wink your way but let your guard down and she'll walk straight in, break your picture frame, smash that glass (that I'm sure wasn't there before) and leave you with a broken head in the morning and scarce memories of the good ol times. Take this as a warning, Sambucca, I'm onto you!!
Unknown "Stevie Wonder" Hungry
- 16 years, 11 months, 14 days ago
So there I was supporting a friend during his first ever hosting of a charity event for Kidney Research U.K when I hear my name read out during the raffle, my prize: 2 night holiday for 2 in a plush hotel on the Scilly Isles, not bad really, later on during the same raffle my name gets read out again, 2 flights to Dubai, ha haaa, anyway, that's all my luck used up for 2008, does anybody know where I can buy some carrots??
Unknown "Stevie Wonder" Hungry
- 16 years, 12 months, 3 days ago