
scott's tales
well my pets!!! another year has come and gone, so it is my metro way to wish you all the happest of new ears and that this year will bring all of you the dreams that you have dreamed come true! i know that this is the time as well to look back at the year gone by and reflect on the good, the , bad , and the ugly!!! well i have done that, and i must sy i don't really have any regrets at all....wel nothing to bad really! lol! alot of changes for me indeed....a new apt...a new career....saying good-bye to friends who were like family to me, and saying hello to new and exciting one's!! well the one thing i regret is that i have still not found that special lady in my life, but i am very stubborn and will continue searching, for i know and i feel that she is out theresomewher...just around the corner maybe....who knows! well for now i am content with the craziness that i call my faily and friends for without these we ae no one! well i wish you all a good-day for scotie b has left the building!!! I SAID..GOOD=DAY!! scootie b m for metrosexual!
scott belbin "Aficinado" Feisty
- 16 years, 2 months, 23 days ago
scott belbin "Aficinado" Feisty
- 16 years, 5 months, 1 day ago
GOOD GROOMING: There was a time, not so long ago,when male vanity was seriously frowned upon. In th minds of many, it still is. However, the modern, metrosexual man knows something that the skeptics don't care to acknowledge. Takig care of yourself and taking pride in your appearance not only heightens your confidence, it makes you far more desirable in the sack. taken from: The Metrosexual Guide to Style A Handbook for the Modern Man By: Micheal Flocker
scott belbin "Aficinado" Feisty
- 16 years, 6 months, 24 days ago
The Meaning of Metrosexual! Metrosexual\me-(.)tro-seksh-(e)wel/n: 1: twenty-first century male trendsetter 2: sraight, urban male man with heightened aesthetic sense. 3: man who spends time and money on apperance and shopping 4: man willing to embrace his feminine side taken from: The Metrosexual Guide to Style A Handbook for the Modern Man By; Michael Flocker
scott belbin "Aficinado" Feisty
- 16 years, 7 months, 14 days ago
SEX AND ROMANCE:T THE BOTTOM LINE! Being a great lover means taking the focus off of yourself. In the realm of the boudoir, you tend to get what you give, so don't be selfish. Though your sex life may have started out as a solo endeavor, there is now another person there with you, so enjot yourself, be free and appreciate the fact that you've found a frind to share the fun. TAKEN FROM: THE METROSEXUAL- Guide to Style A Handbook for the Modern Man OH ALSO THE LETTER "M"
scott belbin "Aficinado" Feisty
- 16 years, 9 months, 27 days ago
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