i got in a huge wreck last night at 1am. i have pictures. go look. leave me comments and shit.
Unknown "booty licious" Lonely
- 16 years, 11 months, 20 days ago
well nothing new. i'm lookin to buy so if you want me to buy you send me a message. i need to make some new friends.
Unknown "booty licious" Lonely
- 16 years, 12 months, 4 days ago
freakin exhausted. i haven't been on in a while. but i still love you guys!!
Unknown "booty licious" Lonely
- 17 years, 8 days ago
last night wasn't a good one for me. my ex and i were at the same party. i wasn't tryin to start anything i was just tryin to be nice so everyone could have a good time. i didn't say one word to him the whole time i was there. when he first got there and saw that i had showed up to the party he went home to get stuff that i left over there for liike 2 years. he had his friend will take it to me while i was sitting at a table havin fun with my friends. so to not start anything i just got up and went for a walk. everyone went nuts about what happened. so liz follows me in her car wantin me to go beat his ass and i had to beg her not to do anything. i wanted to cry so bad. but i couldn't. i had to be stronger than that. i knew he was gnna pull some shit and make me look like the bad guy. but i was cool. i didn't say anything and i didn't do anything. i just walked off. the old me wouldn't have done that.
Unknown "booty licious" Lonely
- 17 years, 27 days ago
ok so...i'm not in a very happy mood today. i'm not mad at anyone. i'm just in a crappy sad mood. make me feel bettR?
Unknown "booty licious" Lonely
- 17 years, 29 days ago